EU and Morocco Strategic Partnership Unshaken

EU Morocco Trade

Last week the European Court of Justice issued a decision on legal actions for annulment brought by the separatist terrorist organisation Polisario against two Council decisions concerning the conclusion of agreements between the European Union and Morocco.  The agreements concern EU imports of agricultural products originating in Morocco and sustainable fisheries. Polisario lodged the applications…

Polisario leader Brahim Ghali hospitalized in Spain under an assumed name

Polisario Leader Brahim Ghali

Polisario leader Brahim Ghali was hospitalized in Spain after being infected with the coronavirus, we learn from well-informed sources, thus confirming information that had been reported by Spanish media. According to the same media, Brahim Ghali, 73, has suffered from cancer of the digestive system for several years. In Spain, he is hospitalized exactly in…

Le chef du Polisario Brahim Ghali hospitalisé en Espagne sous un nom d’emprunt

Polisario Leader Brahim Ghali

Le chef du Polisario, Brahim Ghali, a été hospitalisé en Espagne après avoir été contaminé par le coronavirus, nous apprenons de sources  bieninformées, confirmant ainsi une information qui avait été rapportée par des médias espagnol. Âgé de 73 ans, Brahim Ghali souffrirait selon les mêmes médias d’un cancer de l’appareil digestif depuis plusieurs années. En…

Polisario Scolded for Abusing New Zealand’s Legal System

The Moroccan Sahara

Last year lobbyists working for the separatist Polisario movement lodged documents in the New Zealand high court saying that the New Zealand Superannuation Fund (NZSF), with $45 billion under management, unlawfully invested in farms that use phosphate from the southern provinces of Morocco, and interests in companies operating in the Moroccan Sahara. Fertiliser companies Ravensdown…

The Future of Western Sahara

Louis Michel, Former State Minister, and Jacques Brotchi, honorary Président of the Belgium Senate issued the following joint communiqué today. “In politics, “momentum” is decisive. It makes us understand the need to go along with history. This is why we ask ourselves the question of the future of Western Sahara tossed around over the years,…

MEPs appeal to High Representative Joseph Borell in support of the Kingdom of Morocco

A number of influential members of the European Parliament, representing the major political groups, have appealed to the High Representative, Joseph Borell, in support of the Kingdom of Morocco in its efforts to guarantee the free passage of goods and people in the demilitarised zone of Guerguerat, writes Gary Cartwright. European parliamentarians belonging to the…

Borrell speaks with Bourita and Boukadoum about El Guergerat

The High Representative Josep Borrell met earlier today (November 15) with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco Nasser Bourita and of Algeria Sabri Boukadoum, to learn about the latest developments in the El Guerguerat area, following recent events. The High Representative recalled on this occasion the EU’s full support for the…

Morocco Restores Free Movement in El Guergerat

Following complaints from hundreds of truckers and freight transport businesses concerning road blockades and banditry in the El Guergerat region in the Moroccan Sahara, Morocco’s security forces today took action to restore the free movement of goods and people in the region. The “Polisario” and its militias entered the area on 21 October, carried out…