Protecting Women’s Rights

MEPs have condemned the setback to women’s sexual and reproductive rights in Poland and stress the EU’s legal obligation to uphold and protect them. In a resolution adopted with 455 votes to 145 and 71 abstentions, Parliament says that the ruling of 22 October by Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal to make abortion illegal in cases involving…

Poland Undermining EU

MEPs are urging the European Commission to take immediate action over the deteriorating rule of law in Poland, especially with regard to the independence of the Polish judiciary, as the PiS-led government continues to undermine and attack judges. “For many years, we have witnessed the ruling coalition undermining the whole structure of the state, including…

EP Votes Resolution on Hungary and Poland

Parliament has debated the situation in Hungary and Poland as both countries continue to push the boundaries when it comes to undermining the rule of law, democracy, and fundamental rights. In the resolution that will be voted on this week, the S&D Group is sending a reminder that member states must respect the primacy of EU law…