Fighting to Save the Rule of Law in Poland

Iratxe Garcia Perez

Iratxe García Pérez, the leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, met with judges in Warsaw on Saturday who are fighting to save the rule of law in Poland, and with attorney Michal Wawrykiewicz, co-founder of the Free Courts Civic Initiative. After the meeting, García Pérez said,”What I heard today is extremely…

Michael Hoppe Obituary

Michael Hoppe

The S&D Group mourns the death of their Secretary General, Michael Hoppe, who died yesterday at the age of 58 after a long and severe illness.  Michael Hoppe, a “truly committed” European and long-standing member of the SPD, was one of the longest serving officials of the S&D Group. He served the Group and the…

Corruption in Bulgaria

Corruption in Bulgaria

For years, Socialists and Democrats have denounced the situation in Bulgaria for its growing corruption, and attacks on the rule of law and freedom of media. This is why the public designation of Bulgarian public officials and oligarchs for engaging in corruption by the US State Department comes as no surprise. The close connections over the years…

Women’s Rights

To mark International Women’s Day 2021, the S&D Group held a two-day online event, organised by the Sixth Progressive Youth Forum in co-operation with its partners. In a full day of workshops on Thursday for young people, the S&D MEPs working on gender equality issues and the EU Commissioner for equality, Helena Dalli, discussed how to tackle…

European Socialists Hail Biden Confirmation

The Socialists and Democrats salute the US Congress’ confirmation of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s victory in the November presidential election. Yesterday’s assault on the Capitol by a violent mob of Trump’s supporters shows how important democracy and civility are. We look forward to rebuilding and strengthening our transatlantic relations.  S&D leader Iratxe García Pérez MEP said: “I am still shocked by the images…

German Council Presidency Begins

Parliament discussed with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today the strategy and goals of the German Presidency in the coming six months. Under the motto “Together for Europe’s recovery”, the German Presidency is determined to tackle the huge challenge posed by the pandemic, Mrs Merkel said. She highlighted five areas…

The Balkans have a better future with the EU – Gahler

Michael Gahler MEP, EPP Group Spokesman for Foreign Affairs, has issued a statement ahead of today’s EU-Western Balkans summit which takes place in the form of a video conference. He said, “Do not lose sight of the geopolitical consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Western Balkans must not fall into the Russian disinformation trap. The…