Pandora Papers EP Report

Pandora Papers

The European Parliament has adopted a report on the Pandora Papers, in the wake of the revelations by the ICIJ and others into global tax avoidance, evasion and money laundering.The report was an initiative of the Greens/EFA Group. For the first time, this report sees the European Parliament condemns the role of the United States…

Pandora Papers Report: The EP Votes

Pandora Papers reveal money laundering

Members of the European Parliament have voted on a report on the Pandora Papers, in the wake of the revelations by the ICIJ and others into global tax avoidance, evasion and money laundering. The report was an initiative of the Greens/EFA Group. For the first time, this report sees the European Parliament condemn the role…

MEPs express disgust at Pandora Papers revelations

tax evasion

MEPs have expressed indignation at the Pandora Papers revelations and criticised governments’ woefully inadequate response for over a decade to investigative findings of tax evasion. Speaking during a debate in plenary with representatives of the Council and the Commission just days after the leaks were published, the latest in a long series of investigative works…

EU Blueprint to Review National Tax Policies

EU Tax Reform

The European Parliament has outlined its priorities for reforming EU policy on harmful tax practices as well as a blueprint for a new system to assess national tax policies. With fierce tax competition between countries evolving relentlessly in novel ways, both within the EU and internationally, MEPs say that the EU needs to review and…

EU Reviews Blacklist of Tax Havens

Pandora Papers

EU finance ministers have agreed on an updated EU list of tax havens. Despite the latest Pandora Papers revelations, the list has been shortened with Anguilla, Dominica and the Seychelles having been removed from the list. The Greens/EFA Group successfully secured a plenary debate on the Pandora Papers for October 6. Also on Thursday, MEPs will…

Pandora Papers

Pandora Papers

Political reaction has been swift to the disturbing new Pandora Papers revelations on Monday about the rich and famous. “The Pandora Papers show once more that the fight against tax havens and letter box companies is only making limited progress”, said Markus Ferber MEP, EPP Group Spokesman on Economic Affairs. The deputy was commenting on…