Investigation Demanded into Crimes against Kazakh People

Kazakh Protests

Reacting to the violent events in Kazakhstan earlier this month, the S&D group says it is supporting the European Parliament resolution calling for the international community to investigate the crimes committed against the people of Kazakhstan, including disappearances, reports of torture, arbitrary detention and snipers killing or wounding peaceful protesters.  The resolution also calls for…

Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership

Renewing transatlantic partnership

With China and Russia on the offensive, a renewed and reliable transatlantic partnership is the key to maintaining international and legal order and peace. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) supports the idea of an Alliance of Democracies, ensuring that civil society has significant say in the joint defence of universal values and rights….

NATO Stresses Support for Ukraine

NATO Support for Ukraine

The North Atlantic Council has issued a toughly worded statement on the current tense situation in Ukraine.It reads,”We are gravely concerned by the substantial, unprovoked, and unjustified Russian military build-up on the borders of Ukraine in recent months, and reject the false Russian claims of Ukrainian and NATO provocations.  We call on Russia to immediately…

Albania Ready for IGC to start Accession Negotiations

EU Albania

After three days of a fact-finding mission in Albania, the European Parliament’s standing rapporteur for the country, Isabel Santos MEP underlined that the country has fulfilled all the criteria and has done everything that it was requested to do, to start accession negotiations with the European Union. Santos called on the member states to finally…

Defending Journalists

“The detention and ensuing imprisonment of Belsat Journalists Ms. Katsyaryna Andreyeva, Ms. Darya Chultsova, Mr. Dzmitry Krauchuk, Mr. Artsyom Bahaslauski and Mr. Dzmitry Soltan for exposing illegal police brutality is neither justified nor constitutional. We condemn the campaign of brutality and intimidation and demand the immediate release of illegally detained journalists.” The worsening human rights…

Third Armenia-Azerbaijan Ceasefire Risks Collapse

A ceasefire brokered by the USA in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the mountainous frontier territory of Nagorno Karabakh has broken down in acrimony minutes after it came into effect earlier today. This is the third negotiated ceasefire in the dispute to risk collapse. Two earlier attempts failed to hold. Armenia has accused…

PKK’s Involvement in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict would Jeopardise European Security

The alarming reports that Armenia has been relocating Kurdistan Working Party (PKK) terrorists from Syria and Iraq to the occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh to prepare for future hostilities and train Armenian militias is news of the sort that should keep you awake at night, not only in Azerbaijan but also in Europe. Changing the demographics…


The full horror of the atrocities committed on their own peaceful citizens by the Belarus authorities in collaboration with thugs recruited from third countries is just starting to emerge. Foreign thugs completely outnumbered the internal security forces of Belarus who beat and arrested some 3000 peaceful demonstrators in Minsk alone. A three day clamp down…

Armenian Actions in Tovuz Border District Threaten European Energy Security and Geopolitical Stability

By Dr. Ceyhun Osmanli Protests by the Armenian Diaspora in Brussels last week turned violent, with a premeditated attack on the Azerbaijani Embassy. Similar incidents were orchestrated around the globe in what appears to have been a coordinated campaign of terror. In this opinion editorial, our guest correspondent Dr Ceyhun Osmanli warns of the dangers…

Elections In North Macedonia

Early parliamentary elections took place in North Macedonia on 15 July, in the challenging context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a public statement Josep Borrell the EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy has commended North Macedonia’s citizens for exercising their right to vote. The EEAS reported that according to the preliminary findings and…