Calls for Sanctions Against Ortega and Murillo

Nicaragua Democracy

The EU should consider introducing additional sanctions against the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, say MEPs in a resolution. MEPs demand that Nicaraguan regime leader Daniel Ortega be added to the list of sanctions and urge the EU to assess other possible measures, including going beyond restricting individuals. They warn, however, against any…

Nicaraguan Elections Denounced as Farce

Nicaragua Elections Denounced

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament have denounced the 7 November 2021 general Nicaraguan elections as a farce, which will only further cement authoritarianism under Daniel Ortega. S&D MEPs reiterated their call on the Ortega regime to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners; to end the repression and breaches of human rights;…

Human Rights Violations in Nicaragua

Over the past months, no tangible advances have been made on democracy and human rights in Nicaragua. Repression by security forces and pro-government armed groups of political opponents, demonstrators, journalists, civil society organisations and members of the Catholic Church has continued. In light of this, the Council decided today to include six persons in the…

EP Urges End to Oppression in Nicaragua

MEPs have urged the Nicaraguan government to end the ongoing crackdown on opposition voices and call for dialogue between the country’s political forces to resume. They have urged the Nicaraguan government to end the persistent repression of dissent, torture and sexual violence against the political opposition. They also call on the Nicaraguan authorities to immediately release all…