Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership

Renewing transatlantic partnership

With China and Russia on the offensive, a renewed and reliable transatlantic partnership is the key to maintaining international and legal order and peace. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) supports the idea of an Alliance of Democracies, ensuring that civil society has significant say in the joint defence of universal values and rights….

NATO Stresses Support for Ukraine

NATO Support for Ukraine

The North Atlantic Council has issued a toughly worded statement on the current tense situation in Ukraine.It reads,”We are gravely concerned by the substantial, unprovoked, and unjustified Russian military build-up on the borders of Ukraine in recent months, and reject the false Russian claims of Ukrainian and NATO provocations.  We call on Russia to immediately…

Parliament Condemns Russia’s Military Build-up

Against the backdrop of increasing Russian military threats against Ukraine, MEPs say any aggression by Moscow must come at a high economic and political price. In a resolution adopted on Thursday by 548 votes in favour, 69 against and 54 abstentions, Parliament condemns the current large Russian military build-up on the Ukrainian border. MEPs demand…

Kremlin Methodology: Back to the Future

Russian Army

The Russian Federation is bringing the levels of tension to new heights. The previous crisis occurred in 2014 with the military invasion of Ukraine and a significant increase in military and hybrid activity by land, air, sea, and in the digital space. Since then, the international community has been systematically shaken by reports of Russian…

Belarus Threatens the EU

Belaus Migrants

The European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament condemns the escalation near the village of Kuźnica Białostocka, Poland, where a huge number of migrants under the control of armed Belarus units are set to destroy border fences and cross illegally into EU territory. ECR Co-Chairman Prof Ryszard Legutko (Poland) said: “The scenes that are…

Poland Warns of Security Threat From Russia

Russian aggression against EU

Polish ECR MEPs Anna Fotyga and Witold Waszczykowski have labelled recent joint Belarusian and Russian activities around the EU-Belarus border as “hybrid warfare”, also warning against a further worsening of the situation. During a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, MEP Anna Fotyga stated that the situation caused by Belarusian attempts…

NATO Concern As Afghanistan Government Collapses

Afghan Collapse

Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg has voiced concern at the current situation in Afghanistan. On Monday, he said, “NATO Allies met in the North Atlantic Council today to consult on the situation in Afghanistan. We continue to assess the developments on the ground, and we are in constant contact with the Afghan authorities and the…

North Atlantic Council condemns malicious cyber activities

We observe with increasing concern that cyber threats to the security of the Alliance are complex, destructive, coercive, and becoming ever more frequent. This has been recently illustrated by ransomware incidents and other malicious cyber activity, targeting our critical infrastructure and democratic institutions, as well as exploiting weaknesses in hardware and software supply chains. We…

Biden to visit Belgium in June

President Joseph Biden will travel to the United Kingdom and Belgium in June 2021.  This will be the first overseas travel by President Biden. This trip will highlight his commitment to restoring our alliances, revitalizing the Transatlantic relationship, and working in close cooperation with our allies and multilateral partners to address global challenges and better…

EPP Calls for Military Support for Ukraine

EPP calls for EU support for Ukraine

The EPP Group has called for military assistance for Ukraine and new sanctions against Russia. “Russia amassing more than 40,000 troops near the Ukrainian border is an escalation and a serious threat to European stability and security as well as to Ukrainian sovereignty”, said EPP Group Vice-Chairwoman Sandra Kalniete MEP ahead of today’s debate on…