Greens Accuse USA of Abandoning Ukraine

Photo by Glib Albovsky on Unsplash

  Photo by Glib Albovsky on Unsplash Some MEPs have accused the U.S. of abandoning Ukraine. The claim comes in the wake of the shock suspension of US military aid to Ukraine which was announced on Tuesday. Greens deputy Mārtiņš Staķis from Latvia, Greens/EFA Coordinator in the Committee on Security and Defence (SEDE), led MEP reaction…

The Prison that is Belarus

Photo by Andrew Keymaster on Unsplash

Photo by Andrew Keymaster on Unsplash MEPs are this week expected to adopt a resolution on the need for actions to address what have been called the continued oppression and fake elections in Belarus. Greens/EFA MEP Mārtiņš Staķis (Progresīvie) from Latvia, shadow rapporteur on the text, commented on the situation in the country. Stakis said, “Every day,…