Europe’s Trojan Horse

In recent years, relations between Russia and the European Union have become markedly strained. Against the backdrop of tensions related to the annexation of Crimea, Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and interference in electoral processes in a number of Western countries, the Kremlin has been actively developing a strategy to influence and undermine EU unity….

Weber Re-Elected Chairman of EPP

Veteran German MEP Manfred Weber has again been elected as leader of the biggest group in the EU parliament. Weber is a long serving German deputy from the CSU – Christlich Soziale Union – political party and a well known figure in EU circles. He was re-elected chairman of the EPP Group in the European…

Europe’s Debt to Ukraine

Manfred Weber

Centre right MEPs says Europe is “deeply indebted” to people in Ukraine. Their comments comes as the war with Russia enters its second year. Just over one year since the start of the bitter conflict an EPP Group delegation is visiting Ukraine this week. Comment came from Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group,…