EPP Group Attacks Belarusian Aggression

Manfred Weber

cksIn a statement today the EPP Group said, “We strongly condemn Belarusian dictator Lukashenko’s attempts to intimidate the European Union.” It said, “By sending hundreds of illegal migrants to Europe’s external border in Lithuania, Lukashenko is de facto playing by the worst of the smugglers’ and the human traffickers’ book, proving once again that there…

EPP Calls on Russia to Halt Intimidation

The EPP has said that “Russia must immediately stop intimidating Lithuanian judges.” The group also said the EU should establish a mechanism to protect its citizens from being transferred to third countries on the basis of illegal or politically-motivated extradition requests”. This is the demand of MEPs Jeroen Lenaers and Rasa Juknevičienė. Their comments come as…