9th August: The Day a Dictator Tried to Kill Democracy, Freedom and Dignity

Democratic Revolution in Belarus

“The first anniversary of the presidential election in Belarus of 9 August 2020 will be a sad day. It will be a sad day for the people of Belarus and for the European Union. Following an unprecedented mobilisation, the people of Belarus were determined to elect a democratic president and they did, electing Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. Unfortunately, because of widespread…

Fresh Look At EU-Russia Relations

EU Russia Relations

The European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee says the EU must push back against Russia’s aggressive policies while laying groundwork for cooperation with a future democratic country. In a new assessment of the direction of EU-Russia political relations, MEPs made clear the Parliament distinguishes between the Russian people and President Vladimir Putin’s regime. The latter is,…

EPP Group Attacks Belarusian Aggression

Manfred Weber

cksIn a statement today the EPP Group said, “We strongly condemn Belarusian dictator Lukashenko’s attempts to intimidate the European Union.” It said, “By sending hundreds of illegal migrants to Europe’s external border in Lithuania, Lukashenko is de facto playing by the worst of the smugglers’ and the human traffickers’ book, proving once again that there…

EP Calls on Ukraine to Deal with Corruption Prevention Seriously

A statement has been issued by the European Parliament on the consequences of the ruling issued by Ukraine’s Constitutional Court with regard to several provisions on the prevention of corruption and of the Ukrainian criminal code. It reads:“With great concern, we have learned about the 27 October ruling of the Ukrainian Constitutional Court, which declared…

EPP Calls for Sanctions Against Russia

The EPP Group has urged the Foreign Affairs Ministers of EU Member States to agree on sanctions against all persons involved in the poisoning of the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. “Russia clearly failed in cooperating to start an international investigation into the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Therefore we urge the EU Member States to…

The Citizens of Belarus Have Spoken. Will the EU Support Them?

We publish here in full an open letter signed by the 8 MEPs: Manfred Weber, Sandra Kalniete, David McAllister, Andrius Kubilius, Michael Gahler, Miriam Lexmann, Andrzej Halicki, Radosław Sikorski, “Belarusians supporting democracy who long for change are the moral victors of yesterday’s election. The result is clear: the majority of Belarus voted against Mr Lukashenko and in…

MEPs praise the Eastern Partnership as a success story

Statement by MEPs David McAllister and Andrius Kubilius following the Eastern Partnership leaders’ video conference held on 18 June 2020: “We very much welcome yesterday’s video conference that President Ursula von der Leyen and President Charles Michel had with the leaders of the Eastern Partnership countries and the message of the joint statement. Undoubtedly, the…