The Citizens of Belarus Have Spoken. Will the EU Support Them?

We publish here in full an open letter signed by the 8 MEPs: Manfred Weber, Sandra Kalniete, David McAllister, Andrius Kubilius, Michael Gahler, Miriam Lexmann, Andrzej Halicki, Radosław Sikorski, “Belarusians supporting democracy who long for change are the moral victors of yesterday’s election. The result is clear: the majority of Belarus voted against Mr Lukashenko and in…

EU Tells Poland to Stop Intimidating Its Judges

The EPP says the “Polish Government’s repression, penalisation and intimidation of judges, who defend the rule of law in Poland, must stop immediately.” The actions of the current Polish Government have damaged its credibility within the EU, it says. “The signing of the so-called ‘Muzzle law’ by Poland’s President is another step towards further eroding…