Towards Carbon Neutral


Climate ambition is going in the right direction, says Confederation of Finnish Industries’ Director General Jyri Häkämies. On Friday, Hakamies told this site, “Last year was a turning point: for the first time, all the major economic powers; the EU, the US and China committed to the goals of carbon neutrality by the middle of the…

Business Promotions

Kaisa Soro-Pesonen has been appointed Head of the Brussels Office of the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) as of 11 January 2021. Kaisa Soro-Pesonen has been in Brussels for 16 years. She is joining the Confederation of Finnish Industries from the Cabinet of Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships at the European Commission Prior to this, she served…

Finland Supports 55% GHG Emissions Reduction for 2030

Finnish Industries says it has identified five conditions that need to be in place to successfully achieve the 2030 emissions reduction target.  Achieving a more ambitious EU 2030 target will however require companies to make unprecedented investments – and within less than a decade, it warns. Therefore, economic reconstruction, recovery funding and climate measures need to…