Better Impact Assessments Needed for EU Regulations on SMEs


This week, the SME Assembly 2021 was held in Portoroz, Slovenia together with the Slovenian Presidency of the EU. Reacting to the event, Pierre Gattaz, BusinessEurope President, said: “Considerable efforts by governments, businesses and citizens have enabled a strong recovery in Europe. However, the situation remains fragile and SMEs are very much exposed. We therefore need a…

Modernisation of EU Morocco Trade and Investment

EU Morocco Trade

BusinessEurope, the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) and EuroCham Maroc have adopted a “Modernisation Pact on Trade and Investment between the European Union (EU) and the Kingdom of Morocco”.  The document calls for a long overdue modernisation of the framework for EU-Morocco trade and investment relations to unleash the untapped economic potential of this…