Russia’s Hostile Strategy And Invasion of Ukraine Continues


MEPs have responded to news that Russia has moved troops into the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk in Ukraine’s East. ECR Coordinator on Foreign Affairs, Anna Fotyga,said: “Russia recognising its own fabrications is not only a violation of Ukraine‘s sovereignty and integrity, and a breach of international law, but also a harbinger of further…

Arctic Regional Stability Under Threat

Arctic Security

The European Parliament has called for constructive international cooperation in the Arctic while issuing warnings over emerging threats to stability in the region.  In a new report on geopolitical and security challenges in the Arctic, adopted on Wednesday, MEPs say that Arctic states and the international community should preserve the Arctic as an area of…

ECR Group Supports EP Afghanistan Resolution

Fotyga talks with Stoltenberg about Afghanistan

The ECR Group says that it endorses the European Parliament’s resolution on the situation in Afghanistan, which deplores the violent takeover by the Taliban and expresses strong concerns about the future of the country. The MEPs stress their refusal to recognise the interim all-male Taliban government, made up of 33 mullahs, with many under US…

Poland Warns of Security Threat From Russia

Russian aggression against EU

Polish ECR MEPs Anna Fotyga and Witold Waszczykowski have labelled recent joint Belarusian and Russian activities around the EU-Belarus border as “hybrid warfare”, also warning against a further worsening of the situation. During a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, MEP Anna Fotyga stated that the situation caused by Belarusian attempts…

Call to Boycott Winter Olympics in China

The European Conservatives and Reformists Party has sent an open letter to the Olympic Committee and has called on the international community to boycott the Winter Olympic Games scheduled to be held in Beijing in February 2022. The games are taking place against the backdrops of a growing list of human rights violations in China, from…

EP Resolution on Iran Government Brutality

MEPs are set to adopt a resolution following a fatal crackdown by the Iranian government forces against protestors. “It is time for the EU to ‘re-think’ its relations with Iran” was the message from ECR Group Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Anna Fotyga ahead of a debate and vote in the European Parliament later this week. In…