Difficulties for Mobile Workers in the Labour Market

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash Even in the absence of legal hurdles by comparison with third-country national migrant workers a new report shows that intra-EU mobile workers also face similar difficulties in the labour market, with generally lower employment probabilities and lower quality jobs for the same level of skills. The report was conducted by the European…

Impact of Coronavirus on Work-Life Balance

The Covid-19 pandemic clearly shows that many of the Work-Life Balance Directive 2019 provisions – to be implemented by Member States by August this year – are insufficient. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated work-life balance conflicts for workers with care responsibilities, the majority of whom are women. For ETUI Researcher Kalina Arabadjieva, this new EU legal…

Setting a New Social-Ecological Contract

Despite a spectacular economic reaction to the pandemic crisis, the authors of the 2020 edition of the European “Bilan social’’, express concerns about the so-called ‘social affairs players’ being sidelined in the new Recovery and Resilience Facility, the “fuzzy” EU commitment to gender issues, the EU response to rising in-work poverty and the setting a new…