Investment and Taxation Policies Needed to Promote SDGs

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires more than political commitment, says the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).  Increased investment, especially by the private sector, is needed to address current economic, social and environmental challenges. The Committee therefore advises the EU and its Member States to adjust their investment and tax policies to enhance…

Sibiu Summit Fails to Prioritise Climate Change Crisis

The leaders of Europe met in the Romanian town of Sibiu this week and agreed on ten points regarding the future of Europe. Climate change featured only tenth as a priority though. Reacting to the outcome the co-leading candidate of the European Green Party, Greens/EFA co-president Ska Keller was very critical of this. She said:“The seriousness of the…

Greta Thunberg calls on EP to take drastic action to save the planet

The 16-year old Swede, who inspired the worldwide “School Strike For Climate” movement, addressed MEPs in an Environment Committee meeting in Strasbourg on Tuesday. In her opening statement, Greta Thunberg called for “permanent and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society” to combat the breakdown of the climate and eco systems. This includes reducing CO2…

Exxon Mobil Staff Denied EP Lobbyist Badges

A respected international academic has questioned the legality of removing parliamentary passes for ExxonMobil employees. It comes after the Greens/EFA group in parliament claimed that ExxonMobil refused to attend a recent parliamentary hearing on the company’s alleged role in funding climate change denial. The group sent a letter to Parliament’s President Antonio Tajani and the…