Fragmented European Parliament Forecast for May Election

A new polling-backed report published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), as part of its Unlock Europe’s Majority project, explores the likely group composition of the European Parliament (EP) following the election as well as likely positions of Members of the European Parliament within party groups. According to data collected across 14 member states constituting 80% of all seats in EP, there is…

Volodymyr Zelensky elected President of Ukraine

Following the results of yesterday’s elections, Volodymyr Zelensky has been elected by a landslide of more than 70% of the total vote to become Ukraine’s next President. Speaking at a press conference this afternoon in Kyiv, Rebecca Harms the Head of the European Parliament election observation delegation congratulated the citizens of Ukraine for their deep…

European Parliament Elections At Risk Of Attack

European Parliament Elections

This week in Strasbourg the European Parliament strongly condemned states that seek to undermine European democracy through disinformation campaigns and fake news in a resolution adopted overwhelmingly in plenary. Commenting on the Resolution, President Tajani stated: “Voter participation is the lifeblood of democracy. To express their right to vote, citizens must have complete and accurate…

Winning Friends Back – Kremlin Style

It is not a secret that the Kremlin wants to win back Ukraine to its sphere of influence. Some might go for flowers and chocolates,  but the Kremlin is doggedly following a different path of wreaking more chaos in Ukraine, undermining the credibility of Ukrainian power institutions, and manipulating public opinion wherever its octopus like…