Making the Social Economy a Focus


The social economy can only attract suitable investments if there are dedicated financial instruments that balance social impact with acceptable returns for investors and fair risks to social enterprises, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) says in an opinion adopted at its January plenary session. Requested by the French presidency, which will make the social…

Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership

Renewing transatlantic partnership

With China and Russia on the offensive, a renewed and reliable transatlantic partnership is the key to maintaining international and legal order and peace. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) supports the idea of an Alliance of Democracies, ensuring that civil society has significant say in the joint defence of universal values and rights….

Coordinating Rules for Digital Platforms

Digital Platforms

More coordinated rules for digital platforms are called for in an opinion adopted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) at its December plenary session. In the global process of transforming industry, digitisation has taken on a fundamental strategic role.  The phenomenon is rapidly expanding beyond the borders of the European Union itself. Given the scale…

EESC Launches Vaccination Campaign

EESC vaccination campaign

The European Economic and Social Committee launched its vaccination campaign at the December plenary session. Vaccination against COVID-19, along with all the other safety measures, is the best option we have for ending the ongoing health crisis. Currently, the rate of fully vaccinated people varies considerably between countries, ranging from 26% to 82% of the…

Role of Civil Society and the Social Economy

A two-day seminar in Poland, in the city of Lublin, co-hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Mayor of Lublin, heard how important it was for public authorities and organised civil society to work together to provide effective services meeting basic needs such as health and social care. Cooperation between public administrations and…

European Year Dedicated to Rail

European Year of Rail

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held an event promoting the European year dedicated to rail and explaining its potential to become a fully sustainable and competitive transport option, thereby helping to achieve the Green Deal targets. Rail can make a huge contribution to sustainable and smart mobility but a lot still needs to be…

Calls for a EU Civil Society Strategy

EU Civil Society

A conference organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) reiterated the call for an EU Civil Society Strategy and a European Statute for Associations. Appropriate follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) and a regular and structured dialogue with CSOs were considered key aspects to rebuilding citizens’ trust in politics and strengthening…

New Industrial Strategy for Europe

European Industrial Strategy

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed weaknesses in Europe’s economic landscape, notably regional inequalities, skills gaps and risks to the single market and supplies of strategic goods. In the light of these lessons, the European Commission has updated its blueprint for a greener, more digital and competitive industrial landscape, the New Industrial Strategy for Europe. In…