Ukraine’s Game of Monopoly

The pandemic caused by the coronavirus crisis has forced countries to join forces to overcome the consequences.  This is especially true for countries with small budgets which have already had financial problems. The EU has joined forces and extended a helping hand to non-member countries, including Ukraine. Financial assistance, though, is not only intended to…

McGuinness Replaces Hogan

Commission President von der Leyen has proposed Mairead McGuinness as candidate to succeed the resigned Irish Commissioner Hogan to the Council and the European Parliament. McGuinness’ portfolio is financial services, financial stability and capital markets union. Commission Vice-President Dombrovskis takes over the trade portfolio from Hogan. The Irish government had proposed to the President of…

Demission of Commissioner Hogan

President von der Leyen delivered a press statement following the resignation of Commissioner Hogan as a consequence of the so called Golfgate scandal. Hogan quit his post as EU trade commissioner on Wednesday after he allegely broke quarantine rules during a trip to his native Ireland. He apologised but denied any wrongdoing. “Phil Hogan submitted his resignation from the…

Jobs For Europe’s Youth

The European Commission says it is taking action to give young people all possible opportunities to develop their full potential to shape the future of the EU, and thrive in the green and digital transitions. The coronavirus pandemic has emphasised the often difficult start many young people face in the labour market. We need to…

A Minimum Wage for Europe

Last Thursday (4 June) the Commission launched a consultation of European trade unions and employers’ organisations on how to ensure fair minimum wages for all workers in the European Union. This follows the first-stage consultation which was open from 14 January to 25 February 2020, to which the Commission received replies from 23 EU-wide social…

Commission Proposals for Temporary Relief for Banks

Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis on Tuesday presented proposals for a temporary reduction of capital requirements in the Corona crisis.  The Commission wants to ensure that banks continue to provide credit to the real economy despite the crisis.  The package of measures includes a proposal to compensate for the effect of the new accounting rules…

Aid for EU Neighbourhood

The Commission has adopted a proposal for a €3 billion macro-financial assistance (MFA) package to ten enlargement and neighbourhood partners to help them to limit the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.  The proposal comes on top of the Team Europe strategy, the EU’s robust and targeted response to support partner countries’ efforts in tackling…

EP Completes Hearings for New Commission Nominees

The Conference of Presidents (President Sassoli and political groups’ leaders) closed the hearings process today. Parliament will vote on the new Commission on 27 November. After the meeting, European Parliament President David Sassoli said: “During the last two months, the European Parliament has played its democratic role, scrutinising the performances of the proposed Commissioners closely….

Future of the Capital Markets Union

The European Commission has announced the composition of a High-Level Forum on the future of the Capital Markets Union (CMU).  This group of experts will provide insight and support the Commission’s goal to develop further a Capital Markets Union encompassing all Member States, so they can mobilise capital for businesses, offer better investment opportunities and boost economic…