European Capitals of Diversity and Inclusion Award

Diversity and inclusion

This year, for the first time the European sets out to reward towns, cities and regions for their work in promoting inclusion and helping to fight discrimination with the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award.  The award, which is part of the Commission’s Union of Equality framework and was launched in the EU anti…

Building the Future

The virtual event “Recognizing the Past, Repairing the Present, Building the Future” organized on 2 December 2020, which is open to the public, features a diverse mix of speakers, discussion panels and a screening of two episodes of the newly released documentary series “Enslaved” (2020), starring actor Samuel L. Jackson and British journalist Afua Hirsch. The speakers of…

LGBTI+ Strategy

The S&D Group in the European Parliament has welcomed  an ambitious new LGBTI+ equality strategy presented by S&D Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli. The Commission’s strategy answers the S&D Group’s long-standing calls for a new approach to fighting discrimination and promoting fundamental rights and protection of LGBTI+ people in the EU.  The first-ever LGBTI+ equality…

Supporting Roma in the EU

The European Commission has  adopted a new plan to support Roma in the EU. There are seven key areas of focus: equality, inclusion, participation, education, employment, health, and housing. For each area, the Commission has put forward new targets and recommendations for Member States on how to achieve them, both of which will serve as important tools to monitor progress and ensure that the…

Anti-Racism Action Plan

The Commission has presented today (Friday 18th September) a new EU anti-racism action plan that sets out a series of measures for the next 5 years. Inter alia, the Commission will ensure that Member States fully implement relevant EU law and further strengthen the legal framework, if needed. This could happen in particular in the areas…

European Climate Law

Following a vote on Thursday in the European Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI) on Climate Law, the S&D Group stressed its “satisfaction for the important outcome achieved.”  The EU Parliament’s chief negotiator and committee on environment S&D coordinator, Jytte Guteland, commented: “This is a significant improvement of the Commission’s proposal and makes the European Climate Law fit for purpose….

EP Weakens Gender Equality Proposals

During a vote in the European Parliament in Brussels, liberals and conservatives voted to water down an amendment introduced jointly by the Socialists, Democrats (S&D) and the Greens calling to introduce concrete and binding measures to close the gender pay gap.  The measures include clear criteria for assessing the value of work, gender-neutral job evaluation…