Parliament Calls for Closer Relations With Taiwan

EU Taiwan Relations

The European Parliament has called for closer relations with Taiwan guided by the EU’s One China Policy, while issuing warnings over the continued tensions across the Formosa Strait. MEPs hail Taiwan as a key EU partner and democratic ally in the Indo-Pacific, one that contributes to maintaining a rules-based order in the midst of an…

Students Arrested For Protesting Against China’s 2022 Winter Olympics

Free Hongkong Free Tibet

Tibetan and Hongkong students protesting in Athens against the handover of the Olympic Torch to the Beijing 2022 Committee have been arrested.  They waved the Tibetan flag and Hongkong’s revolution flag at the iconic historical landmark of the Acropolis, chanting “Boycott Beijing 2022” and “Free Tibet” as Greek authorities promptly confiscated their flag. Displaying the…

Russia and China Overtake EU in Arctic

EU in Arctic

The EU is in danger of being “run over” by Russia and China in the Arctic, the EPP group has warned. “The EU must get much more involved in the Arctic. If we want to mitigate climate change, foster sustainable development and keep the Arctic a peaceful region, we cannot stand idly by anymore”, said…

S&D Group Insist China Must Make Progress with Human Rights

China Human Rights

The S&D group has backed a European Parliament resolution on the EU-China strategy but insisted that the China must first make progress to protect human rights. For the S&Ds the consideration and ratification process for the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) cannot start until the Chinese sanctions against MEPs and EU institutions have been…

China Threatens EU Over Taiwan

Chinese Military bullying

After what they call the latest Chinese “threats, intimidation and bullying” against Taiwan MEP Petras Auštrevičius (Renew Europe, Lithuania) and MEP Reinhard Bütikofer (Greens/EFA, Germany) jointly initiated an open letter of solidarity to the President, the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.  The letter was supported by over 60 Members of the…

China’s Malicious Cyber Activities Heavily Criticised by EU

malicious cyber activity

EU foreign affairs Josep Borrell has urged China to do more to combat malicious cyber activities originating from the country. The Spaniard said, “Today, the EU and its Member States, together with partners, expose malicious cyber activities that significantly affected our economy, security, democracy and society at large.” He added, “The EU and its Member…

EU Needs New Strategy to Deal with China

China's Human Rights Violations

The EU should continue talking to China about global challenges like climate change and health crises, while raising its concerns over systemic human rights violations. In a report adopted on Thursday, by 58 votes in favour, 8 against with 4 abstentions, the foreign affairs committee outlines six pillars on which the EU should build a…

Nameless but Not Forgotten –

Tank Man

Remembering the Tank Men of Tiananmen Square June 4 marks the 32nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, in which thousands of civilians were brutally murdered by the Chinese Communist Party’s death squads, writes Jianli Yang. Thirty-two years later, most of the survivors, including myself, have become parents and grandparents. But despite the passage of time,…


Vienna City Hall

Leading Experts And Human Rights Defenders Condemn And Ridicule The Award Of Vienna’s Highest Honour To The Chinese Ambassador, writes Peter Zoehrer. The award of the State of Vienna’s Great Gold Medal to Chinese Ambassador Li Xiaosi has drawn sharp criticism from leading experts on human rights and religious freedom in China. “We are astonished and embarrassed by this…