Voices Grow for Boycott of China’s Winter Olympics

Boycott Chinese Olympics

With just five weeks to go until the 2022 Winter Olympics kick off in Beijing, the EU has yet to make or not to allow its diplomats and officials to attend the controversial games.  This is despite EU member states, including Belgium, announcing a boycott, and the European Parliament voting in favour.  This is against…

Beijing’s Taiwan Territorial Claims Lack Justification

CCP military flights threaten Taiwan

There is no rational justification for a demand for the “reunification” of Taiwan with the PRC writes Aaron Rhodes. Xi Jinping and other Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders are ramping up rhetoric about the necessity of “unifying” China by bringing Taiwan under their control as a “sacrosanct mission of the entire Chinese people.” Since 1949,…

Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership

Renewing transatlantic partnership

With China and Russia on the offensive, a renewed and reliable transatlantic partnership is the key to maintaining international and legal order and peace. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) supports the idea of an Alliance of Democracies, ensuring that civil society has significant say in the joint defence of universal values and rights….

Author seeks to shed fresh light on President’s controversial son

Hunter Biden

Earlier this month, President Biden organised a much-publicised conference on “democracy”. It was an event he’d promised on the presidential campaign trail.  The aims were highly laudable, not least as the meeting with the heads of state of Australia, India and Japan was to ensure that “the way in which technology is designed, developed, governed and…

Diplomatic Boycott of China’s Winter Olympics

Reinhard Bütikofer

Commenting on today’s Foreign Affairs Council as well as tomorrow’s General Affairs Council, German MEP Reinhard Bütikofer, Foreign Policy Coordinator of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, has backed a diplomatic boycott of the winter Olympics in China. He said: “The Foreign Affairs Council and the General Affairs Council of the EU must prove…

Organ Harvesting in China Prompts Call for Olympic Boycott

Organ harvesting

Fresh concern has been voiced about what has been called the “forced organ harvesting industry” in China. A conference in Brussels, called “China: forced organ harvesting and the CCP”, was told that China conducts “thousands” of such transplants every year and the practice amounts to a “crime against humanity.” Many of those targeted for the…

Parliament Calls for Closer Relations With Taiwan

EU Taiwan Relations

The European Parliament has called for closer relations with Taiwan guided by the EU’s One China Policy, while issuing warnings over the continued tensions across the Formosa Strait. MEPs hail Taiwan as a key EU partner and democratic ally in the Indo-Pacific, one that contributes to maintaining a rules-based order in the midst of an…

Students Arrested For Protesting Against China’s 2022 Winter Olympics

Free Hongkong Free Tibet

Tibetan and Hongkong students protesting in Athens against the handover of the Olympic Torch to the Beijing 2022 Committee have been arrested.  They waved the Tibetan flag and Hongkong’s revolution flag at the iconic historical landmark of the Acropolis, chanting “Boycott Beijing 2022” and “Free Tibet” as Greek authorities promptly confiscated their flag. Displaying the…

Russia and China Overtake EU in Arctic

EU in Arctic

The EU is in danger of being “run over” by Russia and China in the Arctic, the EPP group has warned. “The EU must get much more involved in the Arctic. If we want to mitigate climate change, foster sustainable development and keep the Arctic a peaceful region, we cannot stand idly by anymore”, said…