Europe to be First Climate Neutral Continent?

Europe Carbon Neutral 2050

The European paper industry says it fully supports the EU ambition of making Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and building a European circular economy.  The carbon neutrality objective requires the European pulp and paper industry to become even more sustainable, efficient and innovative. It demands that we continue on our transformational journey,…

COP26 Announcements on Forests and Climate

European Forests

The European pulp and paper industry welcomes the two recent announcements on forests and climate made by global leaders, who are currently gathered at the COP26 in Glasgow.  It already supports these commitments with concrete action, working hand in hand with the EU Commission’s services, and building on its track record for reforestation, sustainable forest…

Reaching Climate Neutrality

ENZA, an alliance of 17 associations advocating for cross-sectoral and cross-vectoral climate neutrality solutions, was launched today. ENZA (the European Net Zero Alliance) brings together European associations representing different industries – pulp and paper, buildings, mobility, agriculture – and energy providers from liquid and gaseous fuels, to heat, and including electricity distribution. Cepi has joined ENZA…

Paper Recycling: Chinese Import Ban Impact

Cepi, the European association representing the paper industry, has been closely monitoring market developments in reaction to the material waste import ban by the Chinese authorities including paper for recycling, the redirection of global flows of paper for recycling and structural changes in paper consumption and collection during the Covid-19 crisis. While secondary raw materials…

New Industrial Strategy

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution on the new Industrial Strategy. It calls for the new industrial strategy – planned for publication in March next year – to be in line with the goal of climate neutrality by 2050 and to create the conditions for an innovative, inclusive, resilient, digitalised society. In the context…

European Forest Strategy

The European Parliament Agriculture and Rural Development Committee has adopted MEP Petri Sarvamaa’s (EPP/FI) own  initiative report on the European Forest Strategy. The Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) welcomes the adopted report and encourages the European Parliament to adopt it in plenary session this month of October. The report manages to strike a balance between the many…

$8 Billion to fight Coronavirus

Yesterday 4th May, the Commission registered €7.4 billion, equivalent to $8 billion, in pledges from donors worldwide during the Coronavirus Global Response pledging event.  This includes a pledge of €1.4 billion by the Commission. This almost reaches the initial target of €7.5 billion and is a solid starting point for the worldwide pledging marathon, which begins today….

European Alliance for a Green Recovery

The Confederation of European paper industries and its members across Europe, says it strongly support the initiative of Pascal Canfin, Chair of the Environment Committee at the European Parliament, to launch a European alliance for a Green Recovery.  Cepi joins 180 political decision-makers, business leaders, trade unions, NGOs, and think tanks who have come together to…