EP to Scrutinise EU-UK deal

On Monday 28 December, the leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament and President David Sassoli exchanged views with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier on the deal reached on 24 December on the future relationship between the EU and the UK. The Conference of Presidents reiterated…

EP’s Scrutiny of Brexit

European Parliament group leaders, agreed in the Conference of Presidents of the Parliament to push ahead with a vote on a potential Brexit deal before the end of the year. The Greens/EFA group express concern that expediting the consent procedure will not allow adequate time for proper democratic scrutiny of any potential deal with the…

EP Demands UK Withdraws Internal Market Bill Provisions

The UKCG and the European Parliament political group leaders issued the following statement after meeting late on Friday with Chief EU Negotiator Michel Barnier and Joint Committee Co-Chair Maroš Šefčovič. The European Parliament’s UK Coordination Group (UKCG) met to assess the impact of the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill on the implementation of the Withdrawal…

The Withdrawal Agreement is leaving Britons abroad behind

By Jayne Adye Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Union, Michel Barnier, constantly talks about the Withdrawal Agreement’s obligations not being fulfilled by the United Kingdom, as well as implications the UK is not taking the Brexit negotiations seriously enough to secure a Deal. One of the main themes of Barnier’s argument is the matter of ‘EU…

Between Scylla and Charybdis

Following the second round of negotiations on a new EU-UK partnership David McAllister MEP, Chair of the European Parliament UK Coordination Group, issued the following statement. “Today, the European Commission and the UK government concluded the second round of negotiations on a new EU-UK partnership via videoconference. I am concerned to hear Michel Barnier expressing…

EU Negotiations with UK on Brexit

Reports to the European Parliament - Michel Barnier

President Jean-Claude Juncker and Chief Negotiator for Article 50 Negotiations, Michel Barnier spoke this afternoon at the European Parliament’s Plenary session debate on the latest state of play concerning the Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom. They provided a reaction to the vote in the House of Commons last night. President Juncker said: “The Withdrawal…