Calls for More Efforts to Fight Corruption in France

 In a new report Greco, the Council of Europe’s anti-corruption body, calls on France to improve the effectiveness and practical application of the framework in place to prevent corruption within the executive (President of the Republic, ministers, private office members and senior civil servants) as well as in the National Police and the National Gendarmerie. While…

Towards a More Ethical Financial Sector

A major EU vote and a direct call to action from investors with assets worth $1.7 trillion signals the start of a transformation of the financial sector – which could help in delivering on the Paris climate agreement, and prevent human rights abuses. Last week saw historic moves from across both politics and industry, which…

Slovakia At The Crossroads

Slovakia At The Crossroads - Zuzana Čaputová

In the first round of the Slovakian Presidential elections last weekend, first place has been won with 40.6% of the vote by Zuzana Čaputová representing the Progressive Slovakia party. Turnout in the elections was 50%. She is an environmental lawyer who campaigned on an anti-corruption ticket, and is hitherto relatively unknown, with no prior experience…