Airbus Employees in France to Receive Aid

Almost 300 Airbus employees in France who lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic should receive €3.7 million in EU aid. On Tuesday, the Committee on Budgets approved France’s request for support from the EGF. MEPs acknowledge that “in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, the general travel restrictions led to a general collapse…

Profiteering from Dehumanisation on EU Borders

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on Border Surveillance

The EU’s current border regime is a profitable business for the European companies cashing in on the militarisation of EU migration policy, according to a study commissioned by The Left in the European Parliament. The study is by Jacqueline Andres, of  the “Information Centre on Militarization” and MEPs Özlem Demirel and Clare Daly. Major defence companies such as…

Europe’s first Polar-orbiting Weather Satellite Successfully De-orbited


This week marks the end of the successful deorbiting of Europe’s first meteorological satellite in polar orbit, Metop-A, by Europe’s meteorological satellite agency, EUMETSAT, with support from Airbus.  Starting on Tuesday the satellite will spiral downward in progressively lower orbits until it disintegrates upon re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere, a process that is expected to end…

Arianespace Deploys 36 OneWeb Satellites with Successful Soyuz Flight

Soyuz Launch Vehicle

Arianespace has successfully performed Soyuz Flight ST36. This latest launch for OneWeb placed 36 more satellites into orbit. ST36 represents an important step in OneWeb and Arianespace’s partnership: the operator now has more than half, 358 satellites, of its constellation in orbit. ST36 is the 10th launch of Arianespace in 2021. Performed on Thursday, October…

Working in Space to Make Life Better on Earth

Pléiades Neo 4

On Monday 16 August a Vega launcher operated by Arianespace will lift off from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, with the optical observation satellite Pléiades Neo 4. It will also deploy four scientific spacecraft: three to the benefit of the European Space Agency (ESA) and one for the French start-up company Unseenlabs.  Pléiades Neo 4…

Step Forward in EU-US Trade Dispute

The EU and the U.S. have agreed to suspend all retaliatory tariffs on EU and U.S. exports imposed in the Airbus and Boeing disputes for a four-month period. The suspension allows both sides to focus on resolving this long-running dispute. It provides an important boost to EU exporters, since the U.S. had been authorised to…