Germany should immediately suspend delivering submarines to Turkey: This is what more than 50 German and Greek Members of the European Parliament demand of German chancellor Angela Merkel in a joint letter sent today.
The initiative was launched against the backdrop of the European Council meeting on 10 December. At the meeting, EU leaders will discuss the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and relations with Turkey, following the recent escalation of conflict between Turkey and Greece over maritime rights.
According to the letter, the 53 MEPs are “extremely concerned about Turkey’s threats of military action against EU Member States in the Eastern Mediterranean and fear that Turkey could employ submarines produced in Germany in this conflict”. Despite Turkey’s threats, many EU member states have so far not stopped arms exports to Turkey, a clear lack of solidarity towards EU countries which may become a target of Turkey’s aggression.

Already in September, the European Parliament had asked EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell to “introduce an initiative in the Council for all EU Member States to halt arms export licensing to Turkey”, as long as the country continues its illegal activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The submarines, components and spare parts in question are largely produced by German “Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems” and assembled in Turkey. The joint letter of the 53 MEPs was written thanks to an initiative led by German Green MEP Hannah Neumann and Greek EPP MEP Maria Spyraki.