Photo by Thierry Lemaitre on Unsplash
The battle of the golden spurs, the birth of Brueghel, the entry of women into university, the invention of the praline and the independence of the Congo.
Question: do you know when these key dates in the history of Belgium happened?
You could of course add to this list countless other times and events that have shaped the country.
And that is exactly what a new book called “100 Grandes Dates de la Belgique” does.
The new title, from publisher Quelle Histoire, whose works may already be well known to families and schools, carefully chronicles significant dates in Belgium history to take children from 6 years old and upwards on a journey back in time.
Here you can discover 100 dates, “big” or “small”, which have marked the history of Belgium – and sometimes even that of Europe or the world. Each page is devoted to a different year and the informative and succinct texts are accompanied by colourful illustrations.

The 100 dates have been carefully selected and classified chronologically covering all periods of history, from prehistory to the present day (2020 is the last year listed). It honours men and women who’ve left their mark on Belgium’s history, as well as significant events and facts in fields as diverse as politics, culture, sport and science.
Quelle Histoire is a French publishing house which aims to introduce children to history in a simple and fun way. The fruit of collaborative work between journalists, historians, authors, illustrators and graphic designers, its books have won over many children, parents and teachers in France and Belgium for more than ten years.
This is a beautifully illustrated and quality reference book for both the young and old alike.
· The 102-page book, priced €14.95, is available in all good bookstores in Belgium.