David McAllister MEP Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and Maria Arena Chairwoman of the Human Rights Sub-committee of the European Parliament have issued a joint statement condemning the listing by the authorities in Russia of the European Endowment for Democracy as an “undesirable organisation”.
“We strongly condemn the listing by the authorities in Russia of the European Endowment for Democracy as an “undesirable organisation”. It is unacceptable. This is yet another step aimed at restricting human rights and suppressing civil society in Russia by using oppressive legislation. It is hard to understand why Russian authorities are continuously punishing their own people. Russian civil society deserves to enjoy European donors support.”

“The European Parliament helped to create the EED and fully supports its activities. The aim of the Endowment is to support civic activists and independent journalists in the countries neighbouring the EU and beyond. It promotes values and principles deeply held by the EU and recognised around the world. EED’s work is highly valued and respected by its partners on the ground as well as by the international community.”
“As respective Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Human Rights Subcommittee of the European Parliament, we strongly urge the Russian authorities to reconsider this decision and to withdraw the Endowment from the list of “undesirable organisations”. All civil society organisations supporting human rights and democracy should be allowed to continue their work unhindered, in line with the obligations undertaken by the Russian Federation under international law.”