The European Parliament adopted a resolution for the new EU Security Union Strategy, presented by the Commission, to step up the fight against violent extremism and to increase EU resilience against security threats. The ECR Group specifically welcomes the move to increase efforts against terrorism, organised crime, human trafficking and online child sexual abuse. However, the Group maintains the EU should and could have reacted sooner. The strategy will generate initiatives in a wide range of policy areas, including a mandate to strengthen Europol.

Speaking after the vote, ECR Shadow Rapporteur Assita Kanko said:
“2020 has been a devastating year due to the attacks on European citizens, our way of life and our values. The numerous attacks within Europe shows that the EU has a serious problem that needs solving. The warning signs have been around for a long time, the EU should have acted sooner. There are clear weaknesses in current data exchanges and cross-border cooperation within the EU. There is also an alarming reluctance to address the causes of Islamic extremism because of misplaced political correctness.
Commenting on the timing of the measures, Kanko stated: “Many will wonder why these measures were not proposed before, and that’s a very good question. These are gaps that I and many others working on the topic have highlighted for a long time. Time is running out for the EU to secure the trust of its citizens. We support the EU’s reinforced action in this area, but the measures must not be inconsistent once again.”
“Law enforcement action and the promotion and defence of European values must go hand in hand. The EU has been theorising for too long. It is now time for real and effective action to get to the root of the problem. ”