The European Council has elected Charles Michel as President of the European Council.
The President of the European Council is elected for the period from 1 December 2019 until 31 May 2022. The mandate of two and a half years of the President of the European Council is renewable once.
The European Council also welcomed the decision of the Heads of State or Government of the Member States whose currency is the euro to appoint Charles Michel as President of the Euro Summit, for the same term of office.

Ursula von der Leyen, the First Lady to be President of the European Commission
The European Council adopted the decision proposing Ursula von der Leyen to the European Parliament as candidate for President of the European Commission. The proposed candidate will need to be elected by the European Parliament by a majority of its component members.

Josep Borrell Fontelles to be the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs
The European Council also considered Josep Borrell Fontelles to be the appropriate candidate for High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The formal appointment of the High Representative by the European Council requires the agreement of the President-elect of the Commission.
The President of the Commission, the High Representative and the other members of the Commission will be subject as a body to a vote of consent by the European Parliament, before the formal appointment by the European Council.
Their term of office will last 5 years from the end of the current Commission until 31 October 2024.

The European Council also considered Christine Lagarde to be the appropriate candidate for President of the European Central Bank.
The European Council will take a formal decision on the appointment on the basis of a Council recommendation, after having consulted the European Parliament and the ECB’s Governing Council.
The mandate for the President of the European Central Bank is for 8 years non-renewable.

David Sassoli is an Italian Socialist MEP since 2009. He was born in Florence on 30 May 1956
Separately on Wednesday, the European Parliament elected David Sassoli as President of the European Parliament, having won 345 out of 667 valid votes in the second round. He will lead Parliament until January 2022.
In a brief address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg after the vote, President Sassoli said: “In these months, too many people have fuelled divisions and conflicts that we thought were a sad reminder of our history. Instead, the citizens have shown that they still believe in this extraordinary path, the only one capable of providing answers to the global challenges before us”.