As from the end of this month, trade in shellfish – such as mussels, clams, oysters and scallops – will resume between the EU and the US. Two EU Member States (Spain and the Netherlands) will be allowed to export shellfish to the US, whilst two American states (Massachusetts and Washington) can do the same…
EU-Russia Trade Dispute on Wood Products
The EU is requesting consultations with Russia at the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerning export restrictions placed by Russia on wood products. The export restrictions consist of significantly increased export duties on certain wood products and a drastic reduction in the number of border crossing points through which exports of wood products can take place….
Titanium Dioxide Banned As Food Additive
The European Commission has adopted a ban on the use of Titanium Dioxide as a food additive (E171). The ban will apply after a six-month transitory period. This means that, as from this summer, this additive should no longer be added to food products. Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, in charge of Health and Food Safety, said: “The safety of the…
EP Approves Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
ECR MEP Zbigniew Kuzmiuk’s Opinion pertaining to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) has been adopted by the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee (AGRI). The Opinion voices firm support for the introduction of the new mechanism, but also expresses some concerns of Committee members’ surrounding the potential consequences of its implementation. “I am very pleased with…
From the Baltic to the Straits of Formosa
In order to strengthen economic and cultural ties between Taiwan and Lithuania, TAITRA invited the Lithuanian Rural Business and Market Development Agency to set up a Lithuania pavilion at the 2021 Taipei International Food Show. The show ran from December 22 to 25, with the first three days open to commercial enterprises and the last…
Prospects for Brewing post-Coronavirus
As Europe continues to battle the pandemic, it must maintain its support measures for the beer sector, says The Brewers of Europe. The call comes as The Brewers of Europe, the voice of more than 12,000 breweries, released its 2021 European Beer Trends Statistics Report, which revealed how overall beer sales had collapsed in the…
EU Single Market Scorecard
The Commission has published the single market scorecard, which shows that, despite improvements in certain areas, better implementation of Single Market rules is needed on the ground. Such improvements would help EU businesses and citizens fully benefit from their freedoms and rights, to facilitate green and digital transitions. Thanks to the Single Market, the EU…
Swedish Forests at Dubai Expo 2020
Expo 2020 in Dubai has now opened, and many Swedish industries, authorities and organisations are here, including the Swedish Forest Industries Federation. Dubai is currently hosting 190 countries at the World Expo on the theme ‘Connecting Minds – Creating the Future’. Much of Swedish industry is here, including companies such as Scania, Ericsson and SSAB, and…
EU Korea Sharing Data Protection
Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders and Chairperson of the Personal Information Protection Commission Yoon Jong In said they both welcome the adoption of the European Commission’s adequacy decision for the transfer of personal data from the European Union to the Republic of Korea under the General Data Protection Regulation. After the conclusion of the adequacy talks in…
Supply of Medicines from UK
The Commission has put forward proposals to ensure the continued long-term supply of medicines from Great Britain to Northern Ireland and to address outstanding supply concerns in Cyprus, Ireland and Malta. In the context of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, this means that the same medicines will continue to be available in Northern Ireland at…