Perfidious Albion

Polish EPP MEP Danuta Hübner, a former EU commissioner, issued the following statement on Thursday. “As Chair of the AFCO Monitoring group on the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement, I am deeply concerned by the proposed measures of the UK government. We are in the process of negotiating the most important agreement on our future…

Rosbif et Brexit

The British Meat Processors Association has urged the UK government to address its concerns about the current Brexit talks. On Wednesday, its CEO Nick Allen said, “Despite reassurances from our PM last week that “we’re ready for any eventuality”, the reality is that many key issues remain unresolved. Brexit contingency preparations are proceeding at a snail’s pace and…

UK-Turkey Trade deal

By Sam Lowe, and Luigi Scazzieri Turkey and the UK want to maintain a close relationship after the Brexit transition ends. But concluding a trade deal will not be easy, and relations could sour if tensions increase between Turkey and the EU or US.   A UK-Turkey trade deal is “very close”, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu…

Defending the EU’s Trade

The European Union is committed to free trade. However, if European industries suffer as a result of unfair practices by non-EU countries, such as dumping and subsidised imports, the EU can respond with Trade Defence Instruments (TDIs). The European Court of Auditors has looked at this area for the first time. It concludes that the…

Rebalancing EU-China relations: will Berlin want to deliver?

By Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy With its economic strength, leadership skills and commitment to the European project, Germany is in the position to accelerate the much-needed shift in EU-China relations. Will Berlin want to act? On July 1 Germany took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. The aim, as German Foreign Minister…

Key law enforcement and industry figures gather to debate coronavirus impact on illicit trade globally

For much of the year, the focus of governments across the world has been on facing down the challenges posed by coronavirus – a global pandemic and public health crisis unlike any seen for a generation. This challenge has had significant implications for law enforcement and government oversight globally, with governments and regulatory bodies struggling…

Illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol: EU renews sanctions by one year

The Council today decided to renew the sanctions introduced in response to the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by the Russian Federation until 23 June 2021. The restrictive measures currently in place include prohibitions targeting the imports of products originating in Crimea or Sevastopol into the EU, and infrastructural or financial investments and tourism services in Crimea or Sevastopol. Furthermore, the exports of certain…

Labour Reform in Vietnam Paves Way for Sustainable Development Change in EU-Vietnam Trade

The Vietnamese National Assembly has approved both the EU-Vietnam free trade agreement and ratified the International Labour Organisations (ILO)’s Core Convention against Forced Labour as part of a comprehensive labour reform. During the negotiation of the trade deal, the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament had led the drive to obtain important labour and…

EU-UK Trade: Festina Lente

By Denis MacShane One of the biggest red herrings in this year’s Brexit threnody has been the endless words wasted on the question of an extension at the end of June. A completely artificial argument has been created by supporters of Dominic Cummings’s hard / no-deal Brexit coterie, and those like Ed Davey and Caroline…

EU Mexico Seal Trade Deal

The European Union and Mexico have concluded the last outstanding element of the negotiation of their new trade agreement.  Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan and Mexican Minister of Economy Graciela Márquez Colín agreed by telephone on the exact scope of the reciprocal opening of public procurement markets and a high level of predictability and transparency in public procurement…