Photo by CDC on Unsplash A key report published on Tuesday (14 January highlights what it calls continued discrimination against EU medical devices in China’s public procurement market. The report will feed into the EU Commission’s assessment on what measures should be taken to restore the EU-China level playing field in this area. The EC…
The Shadow Tanker Fleet
The rise of the shadow tanker fleet is a ticking time bomb for both the global environment and international maritime security. These vessels, operating outside the reach of established regulations, are increasingly involved in transporting oil and oil products from countries such as Iran, Venezuela, and Russia — states that face international sanctions. While this…
Pie and a Pint on Clacton Pier
The David Downside Dossier
Erosion of EU Sanctions Policy
Despite the imposition of the most stringent sanctions on Russia since 2014, aimed at crippling its military-industrial complex, the resilience of Russia’s defence sector remains evident, largely due to ongoing support from Chinese companies. These sanctions, designed to restrict high-tech product supplies, have not succeeded in stifling the production of military equipment and armaments in…
Kyrgyzstan Cooperation
Photo by Irene Strong on Unsplash The EU and the Kyrgyz Republic signed an Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA). This, say both sides, represents an “important milestone” in the strengthening bilateral relations. The Agreement will provide a new legal basis for reinforced political dialogue and deepening cooperation in “many mutually beneficial areas.”…
Ban on Seal Products
Photo by Diana Parkhouse on Unsplash A new survey indicates broad support among EU citizens for maintaining the ban on seal products derived from commercial hunting. The survey, which assessed public opinion on the EU Seal Trade Regulation, was published on 2 August. Its authors say it underscores the continued importance of protecting…
ATMs Renewed for One Year for Ukraine Trade
Photo by Viktor Hesse on Unsplash The suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian exports to the European Union will be extended for another year, it has been announced. The EU said the move shows it is “delivering once again on its commitment to support Ukraine for as long as it takes.” These so-called Autonomous Trade Measures (ATMs) have been in…
EU-New Zealand Trade Deal
Photo by Phill Brown on Unsplash European Council President Charles Michel’s Chief Diplomatic Adviser, Simon Mordue has been selected as Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS). He will take up his duties on 1 July. Prior to that he will complete a short term assignment on Ukraine for the Commission. Magdalena Grono, Senior Foreign…
Ambassador Hails Belgium-China Co-operation
China will seek to “embrace the world in its opening-up process,” says the country’s ambassador to Belgium. Ambassador Cao Zhongming was speaking in Brussels at an event hosted by the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC). The outgoing diplomat said he “appreciates” the long-time optimism about China of the Belgian business community and the “great efforts”…