Photo by Dmitriy Efimov on Unsplash According to the updated Constitution, “Uzbekistan is a sovereign, democratic, rule-of-law, social and secular state with a republican form of government.” For the first time in the history of our country, it is fixed in the Constitution that Uzbekistan is a social state, writes Obid Khakimov. A social state is a model…
Law and Justice
Protecting the EP from Foreign Influence
European Parliament’s special committee on foreign interference and disinformation (INGE) MEPs have voted on their position on the reforms to strengthen the integrity, transparency and accountability of the European Parliament. The report – approved by a large majority – gives the Parliament and its members clear guidelines on transparency and on how to protect the European…
Ending Sexual Harassment
Photo by on Unsplash Members of the European Parliament have adopted a report on combating sexual harassment in the EU. It is the 5th such report since the #MeToo movement swept through the globe. The report reiterates calls for the European Parliament to implement mandatory anti-harassment trainings for MEPs and staff, reforming the committees dealing with harassment complaints and…
MEPs Vote to End Impunity of Big Business.
Photo by Shaunak De on Unsplash Despite some lobbying efforts MEPs voted to defend the human rights of millions of workers and protect the environment. The outcome is the result of a four year battle alongside activists and NGOs. The adopted text includes many of the Left in the European Parliament’s priorities to ensure the responsibility and accountability…
The Civilised World Must Ostracise Russia
Photo by Max Griss on Unsplash The callous barbarity of Russia’s blitz of civilian targets in Ukraine surpasses even the terror of the London blitz by Hitler. Putin has copied the Nazi strategy and developed it to new levels of depravity. Russia is continuing the genocide of Ukrainians and intensifying its missile terror. The only way to stop…
EU Needs New Laws to Seize Criminal Assets
Photo by Wout Vanacker on Unsplash MEPs say that new EU laws on seizing criminal assets would ensure “fast and efficient freezing operations everywhere in the EU, and quicker compensation for victims.” Euro deputies say the legislation will speed up asset freezing and confiscations and close loopholes. Members of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee last…
Final Decision of London Court of Appeal Confirms Irrevocable Rejection of Polisario Petition
Photo by Alex Vasey on Unsplash The London Court of appeal irrevocably dismissed, on Thursday, the appeal by the pro-separatist NGO “WSC” against a previous decision by the administrative Court, rejecting its application to reconsider the Association Agreement between Morocco and the United Kingdom. This third setback since last December for the enemies of Morocco’s territorial integrity confirms…
Brussels Pride
Photo by Tristan B. on Unsplash On Saturday 20 May, Brussels Pride – The Belgian & European Pride – will once again put the LGBTQIA+ community in the spotlight and decorate the streets of Brussels in the colours of the rainbow. This year, the theme is “Protect the Protest”. A call to respect the fundamental right to protest,…
Democratic Backsliding
Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash MEPs have voiced concern about allegations of democratic backsliding in Greece, Spain, and Malta. They expressed particular concern over press freedom and pluralism, and warn that journalists will continue to be at risk as long as institutions do not prosecute exposed corruption. They also voted on a resolution comprising Parliament’s assessment of…
Putin’s Plan to Destabilise Europe with Russian Criminals
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash An army of murderers and rapists: Putin is transferring amnestied criminals to EU countries. The Russian hybrid threat is becoming more and more tangible and closer to the civilised world, the European continent in particular, and is taking on completely new forms and manifestations. It is not just the usual Kremlin threats…