EU Green Bonds Standard

Photo by Tech Daily on Unsplash

Photo by Tech Daily on Unsplash EU negotiators have struck a deal creating the first “best in class” standard for the issuing of green bonds. The “European Green Bonds Standard” (EUGBS), which companies issuing a bond can choose to comply with, will primarily enable investors to orient their investments more confidently towards more sustainable technologies and businesses. It…

Green Deal Industrial Plan

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash The European Commission has presented its Green Deal Industrial Plan in response to the US Inflation Reduction Act. The aim is to boost European industries and innovation and make them fit for the green transformation of the economy and ensure global competitiveness. MEPs are expected to vote on a resolution on an EU strategy…

Coordination Platform to Support Ukraine

Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash The Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform to support Ukraine’s repair, recovery and reconstruction process has been launched by the EU. It will allow for close coordination among international donors and international financial organisations and will ensure that support is provided in a coherent, transparent, and accountable manner. The first meeting this week of…

EU Domestic Production of Semiconductors

Photo by L N on Unsplash

Photo by L N on Unsplash MEPs are pushing for the European Union to develop its own capacity for the production of semiconductor chips to keep industry running and jobs in Europe. A majority in the European Parliament’s committee on industry, research and energy improved the legislative proposal made earlier by the European Commission on the measures for…

The EU’s Dwindling Reputation in Africa

EU and Africa

A leading think tank has called for an “unprecedented”  EU investment strategy in Africa which has an “image problem.” Friends of Europe founder Giles Merritt says, “Nobody would deny the widespread prejudice against corruption and inefficiency there, whatever the facts of individual cases.” Many African countries are, it is claimed by Friends of Europe, a…

EIB Accused of Damaging Climate With Their Investment Strategy


The European Investment Bank (EIB) has been accused of failing to curtail investments in climate-damaging highways despite acknowledging how cars and lorries pump huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Frank Vanaerschot, Director of the group “Counter Balance”, said: “If this plan is adopted, the EIB will be encouraging more cars onto roads while decrying that…

Renewables’ Investors Urge Spain to Honour Its Commitments to Treaties

Investment in Solar

Spain has been urged to “follow the example” set by Croatia in honouring its commitment to international treaties. The demand comes amid a long-running legal battle between Spain and renewable developers who are fighting Madrid over retroactive cuts to feed-in tariffs for renewable projects.  Spain is accused of resisting payment of the compensation or attempting…

Forum hears that electrotechnical sector can be “key driver” of growth

President Mirziyoyev

A major conference heard how the economies of  the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are booming despite the crippling pandemic. The event brought together thousands of investors, consultants, businesses and government officials with a common aim to discuss and connect to explore the investment potential of the region, in particular Uzbekistan. With the CIS now slowly emerging…

InvestEU Programme


The European Union says it has reached a major milestone in the implementation of the InvestEU programme with the signature of the Guarantee and Advisory Hub Agreements between the European Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF).  The InvestEU programme is a key pillar of the European Union’s largest ever…