Today, 35% of Belgian households consist of one person. In large cities such as Brussels, half of all households are already single-person households. All population projections point to a further increase in this group in the coming decades. So let’s be silly for once. Let’s turn the world upside down and take single people – and…
Human Rights
EPP Seeks More Sanctions on Belarus as Border Situation Deteriorates
The EPP Group is calling for sanctions to stop the flood of migrants to Belarus, including a ban on the airlines involved in Lukashenko’s human trafficking. The call came ahead of a parliamentary plenary debate on the migration crisis on the EU’s eastern border. “As EU Ambassadors consider a new package of sanctions on the…
Protecting Children’s Rights
In 2021, children have been repeatedly caught in the midst of political and border management disputes on the EU’s external borders, but children’s rights are not protected. These developments call for a renewed commitment to the protection, safe-guarding, and best interests of children, says Afshan Khan, Special Coordinator for the Refugee and Migrant Response in Europe,….
School Help Should be Part of Emergency Aid: Ochojska
Help for schooling children and youngsters should be integrated into the EU’s emergency aid programmes, said Janina Ochojska MEP ahead of this week’s vote in the European Parliament’s Development Committee on the Report on the ‘New orientations for the EU’s humanitarian action’. She added, “Integrating training and school programmes into emergency programmes is important to…
Gender Equal Societies Are Happier and Healthier
At a special event in the European Parliament on Tuesday the S&D Group leader Iratxe García, together with vice-president Hélene Fritzon and the S&D spokesperson on women’s rights Maria Noichl, and other key S&D members, presented the S&D Group’s position on women’s rights It is the Socialists and Democrats’ roadmap on how to achieve a gender equal European Union, as they believe…
Organ Harvesting in China Prompts Call for Olympic Boycott
Fresh concern has been voiced about what has been called the “forced organ harvesting industry” in China. A conference in Brussels, called “China: forced organ harvesting and the CCP”, was told that China conducts “thousands” of such transplants every year and the practice amounts to a “crime against humanity.” Many of those targeted for the…
EESC Calls For Protection of Rights at EU’s External Frontiers
In supporting a proposed EU strategy for the Schengen area, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has called for more action to be taken to protect the EU’s freedoms and rights in the face of human-rights violations at its external frontiers. The EESC is worried about the reintroduction of internal border controls by some…
Students Arrested For Protesting Against China’s 2022 Winter Olympics
Tibetan and Hongkong students protesting in Athens against the handover of the Olympic Torch to the Beijing 2022 Committee have been arrested. They waved the Tibetan flag and Hongkong’s revolution flag at the iconic historical landmark of the Acropolis, chanting “Boycott Beijing 2022” and “Free Tibet” as Greek authorities promptly confiscated their flag. Displaying the…
Alexei Navalny Awarded Sakharov Prize
MEPs have awarded Russian opposition politician and anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny the European Parliament’s 2021 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. Parliament Vice-President Heidi Hautala announced the 2021 laureate in the Strasbourg plenary chamber on Wednesday afternoon, following an earlier decision by the Conference of Presidents (President and political group leaders). Parliament President David Sassoli said: “The European Parliament…
Complete control: China’s draconian leader Xi Jinping thought in practice
Life for Chinese citizens is hard. Not because they face a lack of resources or opportunities but because of the micro invasions of every aspect of their life by the paramount leader President XI Jinping, writes Jianli Yang. As per the recent news affairs, the Chinese president seems to be on a spree to control…