Nobody is safe until everyone is safe

COVAX Africa

No one is safe until everyone is safe, according to the Socialist group in the European parliament.It says this was supposed to be the lesson the world drew from the Covid-19 pandemic, especially towards developing countries and low income countries, which have been unable to afford and access vaccines. Reality, unfortunately, looks different, says the group….

Does a “Right to Abortion” Take Priority over the Freedom of Conscience?


 In June 2020, members of the European Parliament endorsed, by a vote of 378-255, a report on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights prepared by Croatian MEP Predrag Fred Matić.  The “Matić Report” called for the universal access to safe and legal abortion throughout the European Union. The Forum for Religious Freedom Europe (FOREF) takes no position regarding…

Protecting Workers’ Health

Asbestos cancer

The European Parliament’s employment committee will this week vote to reduce the exposure of workers to asbestos, a number one substance known to cause cancer. The Commission is expected to present a legal proposal in 2022. The Socialists and Democrats call on the Commission to update, as a matter of priority, asbestos exposure limits by…

Technology take off for Emirates Airline

Emirates cleaning planes

Emirates Airline is pioneering high-tech solutions to ensure passenger stay safe and healthy. They have tapped into their partnership with the UAE’s Aviation X-lab innovation incubator programme to pilot robot cleaning trials. These are currently in use at its signature lounges at Dubai airport. The robots use special technology to eliminate most viruses and, according to…

Indoor Air Pollution Exposes Need to Tackle Mineral Wool and Ventilation

Indoor Air Pollution

A group of leading European heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and building engineering associations are for EU recognition of indoor air pollution as a risk to human health. In a joint statement, the group, which includes EPEE, AREA and the EHPA, insist that the proper use of air quality systems will help reduce transmission of…

EU Recognises Moroccan Vaccination Certificate

In a decision published in the Official Journal of the European Union today, the EU Commission has announced that it recognises the vaccination certificate issued in Morocco, allowing holders of the Moroccan vaccination certificate to travel without restriction to the EU 27 Schengen countries. The decision applies to Moroccans, European citizens vaccinated in Morocco, and…

EPP Wants More Health powers for EU

Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, the EPP Group says it wants more health powers for the EU. It will vote in favour of increasing cross-border health cooperation and of strengthening the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).  The European Parliament will debate and vote this week on the two new laws. “One…

NGOs Criticise Commission for Deregulating GMOs


The European Commission has “uncritically followed” the GMO industry’s “wish list” for deregulation of new GMO products, it is claimed. On Monday, over 50 NGOs and farming organisations have shared with the European Commission their critical response to DG SANTE’s working document on ‘new genomic techniques’ (published in April 2021). In the report, civil society…

EU and AstraZeneca Reach Agreement on Vaccine Delivery

Stella Kyriakides deal with AstraZeneca

The EU and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca have reached an agreement which will secure the delivery of the remaining COVID-19 vaccine doses to Member States under the terms of the Advance Purchase Agreement concluded on 27 August 2020 with AstraZeneca. The agreement will also end the pending litigation before the Brussels Court. Commissioner for Health and…