Health groups call for regulation of flame retardants

A new study by a group of US scientists compared two groups of flame retardants – respectively polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and organophosphate ester flame retardants (OPFRs) – for a number of properties and warns that replacing the former by the latter is likely a regrettable substitution. Significant evidence of the links between exposure to…

Coal Producing Regions to get EU Support

Coal-producing regions should receive money from the European Union to support their move away from fossil fuels, the European Committee of the Regions said on 9 October. However, the EU’s assembly for local and regional leaders insisted that support should not be at the expense of other regions. The call by local and regional leaders…

EESC calls for new EU Strategy for Sustainable Development

The European Union should grasp the opportunity of the new political mandate and financial period to improve its economic policy coordination and governance, says the EESC. The European Semester should become the most important element of economic policy coordination and a multi-level and multi-actor governance approach should be implemented, says the European Economic and Social…

The world’s first ever floating nuclear power station.

An international expert has defended the upcoming launch of the world’s first ever floating nuclear power station. Despite attracting criticism from some green activists, the massive vessel, called “Akademik Lomonosov”, is due to be launched on 23 August. Oscar Voss, of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, said that any perceived risks involved may be…

EU Action Against Wildfires

Following a request for assistance from Greece on 13 August 2019, rescEU assets have been mobilised to tackle forest fires ravaging several areas of Greece.  As an immediate response, the European Union has already helped to mobilise 3 forest fighting planes from rescEU reserve from Italy and Spainto be dispatched swiftly to the affected regions….

Consumers in the circular economy

So far, actions to boost the development of a circular economy in Europe have centred on production, getting industries to introduce circular business models and bring circular options to the market.  Now conditions are ripe for getting consumers involved, and empowering them to make sustainable purchasing choices in their daily lives, says a new EESC…

European Parliament debate calls for action on possible mineral wool health risks

The European Parliament was the venue last week for a roundtable discussion highlighting the potential health risks of mineral wool, or Man-made Vitreous Fibres (MMVF) as it is also known. Mineral wool is a type of thermal insulation made from rocks and minerals. After asbestos was banned in most countries in the 1990s, the de facto replacement…

Cohesion Funds for Climate Action

EU ministers meeting at an Energy Council and a General Affairs Council this week will discuss respectively the priorities for the future energy infrastructure and for the future EU Cohesion Policy funding for climate action in the regions.  According to the current state of play of negotiations, EU Member States, as they plan to continue investments…

Why Belgium’s Politicians Must Tackle Climate Change

Climate campaigners in Belgium have 267,617 reasons why the country’s politicians should intensify efforts to tackle global warming. That is the number of people who signed a petition demanding more effort in addressing the issue. The recent unusually high temperatures in Belgium and elsewhere have, for many, highlighted the pressing emergency posed by climate change….

Call to end Export Finance Support for Overseas Fossil Fuel Projects

The UK Government must act on today’s report by parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee about UK Export Finance, which calls for an end to UK taxpayer support for overseas fossil fuel projects by 2021. UK Export Finance (UKEF), the UK’s export credit agency, underwrites loans and insurance for export deals as part of efforts to help…