The Commission has adopted a proposal for a €3 billion macro-financial assistance (MFA) package to ten enlargement and neighbourhood partners to help them to limit the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal comes on top of the Team Europe strategy, the EU’s robust and targeted response to support partner countries’ efforts in tackling…
The EU must rise from the ashes of the #Coronacrisis
By Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social CommitteeStrong support to the European Commission and the European Parliament: EUCO cannot fail! Ahead of the Heads of state and government Council meeting next week and in the light of the solid package of measures proposed on 9 April by the Eurogroup to support the…
Managing Waste Disposal During the Pandemic
The European Commission has published guidelines to support Member States in their waste management in these difficult times of coronavirus. The continuity in providing those services also during the coronavirus crisis is crucial for our health, for the environment, and for the economy. Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, said: “In this unprecedented crisis, we…
Commission Approves Hungary’s Coronavirus Aid Scheme
The European Commission has approved a HUF 50 000 million (approximately €140 million) Hungarian aid scheme to support the Hungarian economy in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme was approved under the state aid framework adopted by the Commission on 19 March 2020. The scheme will be managed by the competent agency, Hungarian…
European Alliance for a Green Recovery
The Confederation of European paper industries and its members across Europe, says it strongly support the initiative of Pascal Canfin, Chair of the Environment Committee at the European Parliament, to launch a European alliance for a Green Recovery. Cepi joins 180 political decision-makers, business leaders, trade unions, NGOs, and think tanks who have come together to…
EESC Argues for Sustainable Growth
Future economic policy must be in line with the European Green Deal, says the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The Committee urges EU Member States to make sustainable economic growth the top priority for European and national economic policies in 2020 and beyond and recommends complementing the current accommodative monetary policy of the European…
Micro-Finance for SMEs
In order to stimulate small business financing in the Baltic States, non-bank business lender Noviti Finance, and the European Investment Fund (EIF), have signed a cooperation agreement to give micro businesses and farmers better access to funding of up to €25,000. The guarantee is funded by the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme of the…
Lebanon’s central bank is “a stable point in a country in convulsion”
Leading French economist Nicolas Bouzou, director of the economic research company Asterès, wrote in today’s Les Echos about what the West can learn Lebanon’s current economic situation. According to Bouzou, we can look at the deterioration in Lebanon to understand what can happen when a country accumulates decades of non-existing or failing public policies. Bouzou also singles out…
Why Lebanon Deserves International Support
The news from Lebanon in recent weeks has been grim. As street protests in Beirut and other cities intensify, so does the country’s economic suffering, writes Charles Tannock. A political, economic, and social crisis has taken hold, leading to hard-currency shortages that hinder imports of vital daily commodities such as wheat, medicine, and fuel. Moreover,…
Wealth Effects of WTO Membership
A new report says that the USA, China and Germany are the countries that benefit the most worldwide from their accession to the WTO. They achieve by far the largest income gains, which are directly attributable to their membership in the trade organization. For the United States, income gains amount to about 87 billion US…