Digital Development Targets

The Europe Commission has set out new targets as part of Europe’s Digital Decade 2030. Reaction to the announcement on Monday was swift with Vodafone Group External Affairs Group Director, Joakim Reiter telling this website, “Vodafone believes that the new Digital Decade 2030 targets set out by the European Commission today, combined with the €672.5…

Recovery and resilience facility: local and regional governments must have a say

If the coronavirus pandemic has had a shocking impact on the health of citizens, their daily life and local economies, the EU’s recovery plan constitutes an historic act of solidarity for our continent and a turning point for our Union, writes Stefano Bonaccini.  Without this new financial windfall, we will not be able to overcome…

New Circular Economy

The European Parliament will vote this week on the Parliament’s position on the European Commissions’ New Circular Economy Action Plan, a main pillar of the Green Deal. The Action Plan consists of 35 measures, including: Legislative proposals for a new sustainable product policy framework, sustainable production and better waste management of batteries, and a proposal…

Building Back Better

On Friday Nick Read Chief Executive Officer, Vodafone Group, delivered a keynote speech at LSE’s German Symposium event, where he highlighted the importance of the EU Recovery Funds in enabling Europe to Build Back Better, and why Europe must set higher ambitions for its digital transformation, in order to lead on a global scale.  He also stressed the…

More Funds Need to be Devoted to Digital Skills

New research reveals wide support for the European public’s attitudes towards the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Three out of four people believe digital public services (75%), digital skills (74%) and broadband internet access (73%) are important aspects for the recovery of Europe. But the report says that the public remain sceptical on…

Pulling a “Sickie”

This year’s National Sickie Day falls on the 3rd of February, with researchers predicting it will cost employers £34million in total. There was an estimated 350,000 absences* from work on the first Monday of February last year, indicating this is when employees are most likely to call in sick, leaving employers unsure whether they are telling…

Setting a New Social-Ecological Contract

Despite a spectacular economic reaction to the pandemic crisis, the authors of the 2020 edition of the European “Bilan social’’, express concerns about the so-called ‘social affairs players’ being sidelined in the new Recovery and Resilience Facility, the “fuzzy” EU commitment to gender issues, the EU response to rising in-work poverty and the setting a new…

Working from Home

Three-quarters (75%) of UK office workers said that they would accept – or have accepted – a pay cut in return for a fully remote role that allows them to work from anywhere, according to new research from Citrix. The new data, based on a survey of 1,000 UK office workers and conducted by OnePoll,…

UK and EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement

On 24 December 2020, the UK and EU agreed a new Trade and Cooperation Agreement to govern the future trading and security relationship now that the UK has left the EU.  President Ursula von der Leyen spoke about the “long and winding road ” that led to an agreement. However, it is also clear that there is much…

Libya’s future depends on the economic situation

Libyan politicians are confident that after the economy recovery, the country will be able to achieve reconciliation and stability. Many Libyan politicians, including the vice president of the Government of National Accord, Ahmed Maiteeq, are more than sure that Libya needs to solve the economic issue, and only then move on to the issue of…