Sustainable Phones: New Eco-Rating System

Environmental impact of smart phones

Five of Europe’s leading mobile operators have joined forces to update and launch a new pan-industry Eco Rating labelling scheme that will help consumers identify and compare the most sustainable mobile phones and encourage suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of their devices. The Eco Rating initiative has been created jointly by Deutsche Telekom, Orange,…

Pay the Artists!

Valeria Brusnikina

A campaign has been launched to help musicians in Europe earn fairer revenues from their royalties for creative works. At the launch event yesterday from the Brussels Press Club  an expert panel discussed how to reform the current royalty collection system by embracing the digital age so that artists can receive payments “quickly, efficiently, transparently…

EU Cybersecurity Strategy


The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) welcomes the proposed new package of EU cybersecurity measures but points to weaknesses in addressing Europe’s huge cyber skills gap. Critical entities also need streamlining, simplification and clearer application guidelines, in the EESC’s view. Overall, the EESC hails the new EU cybersecurity strategy as a positive step towards…

Time for Royalty Collection to go Digital

Join us for an on-line conference at the Brussels Press Club at 1100 am on Wednesday 19th May. Reserve your place here: We shall share ideas with music industry professionals on how to transform the obsolete collective rights management system.  Our goal is to ensure that royalties from all of the different platforms are collected…

Socialists Demand Stronger Regulations for Artificial Intelligence

Reacting to the European Commission’s proposal for new regulations in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Socialists and Democrats demand legislation that is at least as groundbreaking as the regulation on Data Protection (GDPR). While the current proposal is a good start, the S&D Group will work hard to defend fundamental rights, such as privacy…

Better Digital Access Needed for Roma Children in Hungary

Hungary's Roma Children Need better access to digital services

According to an August 2020 survey by the National Democratic Institute, a U.S.-based non-profit organization, only 41% of Roma households in Hungary have access to both cable and mobile internet and 13% report no access to the internet at all.  A November 2020 report from Hungary’s deputy ombudsperson for national minorities acknowledged that for Roma…

Is LinkedIn Kowtowing to China?

Kowtowing to China

It’s no secret that the biggest and the most highly successful employment and business directed online service platform LinkedIn is ready to do China’s bidding when it comes to exploiting the country’s growing professional economy. LinkedIn has always matched China’s playing field, writes Jianli Yang. This is the reason why it is one of the…

Green Digital Coalition

Vodafone Group has become a founding member of the European Green Digital Coalition, committing to significantly reducing its carbon footprint by 2030, and becoming climate neutral by 2040. The Coalition will be focused on investing in the development of more energy and material efficient digital technologies and co-creating deployment guidelines of green digital solutions, together with…

Digital Development Targets

The Europe Commission has set out new targets as part of Europe’s Digital Decade 2030. Reaction to the announcement on Monday was swift with Vodafone Group External Affairs Group Director, Joakim Reiter telling this website, “Vodafone believes that the new Digital Decade 2030 targets set out by the European Commission today, combined with the €672.5…