Germany should immediately suspend delivering submarines to Turkey: This is what more than 50 German and Greek Members of the European Parliament demand of German chancellor Angela Merkel in a joint letter sent today. The initiative was launched against the backdrop of the European Council meeting on 10 December. At the meeting, EU leaders will…
Russian Fleet Tests UK navy
The Royal Navy has monitored nine Russian vessels around the UK in recent weeks; Every move made by the Russians – a surfaced submarine, destroyer, corvette, patrol ship and their supporting tugs and supply ships – was watched closely by eight Royal Navy ships from the English Channel to the Irish Sea in a concerted…
EU Aid for Nagorno-Karabakh
The Commission has announced an additional €3 million in humanitarian support to ensure critical assistance to the civilians most affected by the conflict in and around Nagorno Karabakh. This funding comes on top of €900,000 allocated since early October when the hostilities started. Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “The EU continues to stand by all…
Defending our Values and our Freedom
Yesterday (Tuesday 10th November) Chancellors Merkel and Kurz and President Macron held an online summit on the implications of the latest Islamist terrorist attacks in France and Austria. They agreed that they wanted to work on reforms for the Schengen area, which consists of Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,…
Repatriating Terrorists
The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) and the European Policy Centre (EPC) have launched a joint report, titled ‘Marching home? Why repatriating foreign terrorist fighters is a pan-European priority.’ The report is co-authored by Prof. Ian Acheson, Senior Advisor to CEP and Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst at EPC. The report examines why Europe needs to…
Safeguarding Taiwan’s democracy bolsters Taiwan-EU common values and interests
On September 14, the same day of the EU-China leaders’ meeting, Nathalie Loiseau, Chair of the European Parliament Subcommittee on Security and Defense, and Reinhard Bütikofer, Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the People’s Republic of China, together with seven other prominent European political leaders, scholars, and experts, wrote to mainstream newspapers…
The responsibility of leadership
In the history of warfare, from time immemorial, the leaders of the participating countries take responsibility for their deeds, whether this means exulting in victory and triumph, or falling on their swords in bitter defeat, writes Philippe Jeaune. Such has been the case during the times of Alexander the Great, Tamerlane, Bonaparte and even Stalin….
Third Armenia-Azerbaijan Ceasefire Risks Collapse
A ceasefire brokered by the USA in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the mountainous frontier territory of Nagorno Karabakh has broken down in acrimony minutes after it came into effect earlier today. This is the third negotiated ceasefire in the dispute to risk collapse. Two earlier attempts failed to hold. Armenia has accused…
Belgium Remembers
It is feared that the health pandemic could affect this year’s Remembrance Sunday commemorations in Belgium. The coronavirus crisis is likely to have a financial impact on the local Poppy Appeal, given that it is feared the public may well be cautious about the risks of touching collection tins and the poppies themselves. Even so, the…
Nagorno Karabkh Fighting Flares up as World Leaders call for Peace
The United Nations Security Council met earlier today for an emergency debate called by Belgium and supported by France, Germany and Britain on the military conflict in Nagorno Karabakh between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Both countries have been locked in dispute for decades over the region, which belongs to Azerbaijan but is administered by Armenia. Following…