Russia has an extensive network of agents in the EU, which can be used for comprehensive destabilisation and Putin is rapidly scaling up threats to Europe, reports the International Foundation for Better Governance. The coup attempt in Germany, which took place on 7th December, is a classic example of the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation. Among the…
Keeping the Lights on in Ukraine
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash. Russia’s missile attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure are taking the form of targeted genocide: the civilised world must help Ukrainians survive the most difficult winter since 1991, writes the International Foundation for Better Governance. Putin personally delegated to General Surovikin the task of destroying Ukraine’s energy sector in order to start destroying…
EU Action Against North Korea
The EU is taking further action against North Korea in another sign of growing concern about its development of ballistic missiles. On Monday, the council issued a statement setting out the latest action. It read, “In light of the continued development of ballistic missiles by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in violation of the relevant…
Russia Must be Held Accountable
The Commission has presented different options to Member States to make sure that Russia is “held accountable for the atrocities and crimes committed during the war in Ukraine.” The Commission has proposed to create a new structure to manage frozen and immobilised public Russian assets, invest them and use the proceeds for Ukraine. The Commission,…
Mobilisation in the Russian Federation
There are three peculiarities of “partial mobilisation” in the Russian Federation The first is the concept of “until the last conscript”. Mobilisation in Russia, despite President Putin’s opinion that it is supposedly over, is continuing and will apparently continue until the end of the “special military operation,” which looks like it will end only after…
Russia Defeated in Battle Enlists Propagandists to Support its Flagging Military
In 1936, no one could have imagined that Hitler would start a war that destroyed half the world. In 2022, the whole world witness the genocide launched by Putin against Ukrainians hoping that this would not affect the rest of the world. Before World War II, the same misconception led to tragedy. Russia must be…
Kremlin’s Expansionist Intentions
Representatives of the Russian authorities continue to voice their expansionist imperialist intentions to seize foreign territories. Ex-President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that Kyiv is allegedly a “Russian city” hinting that Russia is going to capture it again. The Russian army has already tried to capture Kyiv, but was forced to retreat. Despite this, Moscow…
Russia Branded Terrorist State
The European Parliament has today officially declared Russia to be a “state sponsor of terrorism” and a “state which uses means of terrorism”. This came after a parliamentary vote on a resolution in Strasbourg earlier today. The move has been widely welcomed by MEPs from across the political spectrum. “Now it’s up to the EU…
Did Putin Launch a Missile Attack on Poland To Pressurise the West to Negotiate?
Ukraine managed to liberate 60% of the territories captured since 24 February. The Russian army has actually been defeated. The Dnieper River as a natural barrier restrains the AFU from a counterattack, as a result of which Russian military units will be permanently defeated. In this situation, Putin has expressed his readiness to negotiate: after…
Was Putin’s Missile Attack on Poland Deliberate?
On 13 May 2022, the Russian State Duma proposed the “denazification of Poland”. On November 15, missile strikes in Poland killed two people, and Russian propaganda began to deny that the Kremlin was involved. Putin hates Poland and considers it an illegally seceded part of the Russian Empire, which must first be punished and then…