NDICI-Global Europe Programme Under Scrutiny

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash The EU’s main tool for implementing EU cooperation with partner countries has “deficiencies” in the methods for allocating funds and impact monitoring, according to a key report by the European Court of Auditors.  With a budget of €79.5 billion between 2021 and 2027, the new Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument –…

Ending Sexual Harassment

Photo by Saif71.com on Unsplash

Photo by Saif71.com on Unsplash Members of the European Parliament have adopted a report on combating sexual harassment in the EU. It is the 5th such report since the #MeToo movement swept through the globe. The report reiterates calls for the European Parliament to implement mandatory anti-harassment trainings for MEPs and staff, reforming the committees dealing with harassment complaints and…

European Youth Event EYE 2023

Photo by Jorgen Hendriksen on Unsplash

Photo by Jorgen Hendriksen on Unsplash Around 10,000 young people from the EU and beyond will next month meet in Strasbourg and online to discuss Europe’s future, against the backdrop of the war against Ukraine and upcoming European elections. On Friday 9 June and Saturday 10 June, the European Youth Event 2023 (EYE 2023) will feature more than 300…

MEPs Vote to End Impunity of Big Business.

Photo by Shaunak De on Unsplash

Photo by Shaunak De on Unsplash Despite some lobbying efforts MEPs voted to defend the human rights of millions of workers and protect the environment.  The outcome is the result of a four year battle alongside activists and NGOs.  The adopted text includes many of the Left in the European Parliament’s  priorities to ensure the responsibility and accountability…

Do No Harm To Cohesion

Photo by Jack Ward on Unsplash

Photo by Jack Ward on Unsplash The European Union cannot tackle social, economic and territorial disparities through Cohesion Policy alone. All EU initiatives and policies, like the post-COVID recovery plan NextGenerationEU, should fight against inequalities and promote cohesion, which must be a fundamental value of the European Union. This is the main message of the opinion on the…

Support for Environmental Causes Growing

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash Despite the recession,  philanthropic support for environmental causes is increasing, says a new report. This is one of the key messages to emerge from the 6th edition of an annual assessment. Called “Environmental Funding by European Foundations” it is claimed to  be the most comprehensive report that has ever been published on environmental philanthropy across…

Final Decision of London Court of Appeal Confirms Irrevocable Rejection of Polisario Petition

Photo by Alex Vasey on Unsplash

Photo by Alex Vasey on Unsplash The London Court of appeal irrevocably dismissed, on Thursday, the appeal by the pro-separatist NGO “WSC” against a previous decision by the administrative Court, rejecting its application to reconsider the Association Agreement between Morocco and the United Kingdom. This third setback since last December for the enemies of Morocco’s territorial integrity confirms…

G7 Statement on Ukraine

Photo by Viktoria Evseenkova on Unsplash

Photo by Viktoria Evseenkova on Unsplash Ukraine remains firmly on the EU agenda, both with EU leaders and for MEPs. The ongoing war in the country will be the subject of a week of special events in the European Parliament next week, back after its recess. Before that, though, at their meeting in Hiroshima, we, the leaders of…

South Africa Branded High Risk for Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism

Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash The European Commission has updated its list of “high risk” third country jurisdictions presenting strategic deficiencies in their anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) regimes. Two third-country jurisdictions were added to it: Nigeria and South Africa, while two other jurisdictions were taken off the list – Cambodia and Morocco. This list takes into account the changes decided at…