The following is the full text of the speech of Ursula von der Leyen to the European Parliament last week. There are no words that can do justice to Europe’s pain or to all those suffering across the world. We think and we pray for all of the families in mourning. And we promise to…
Author: Guest Contributor
Turkic Council Members Unite in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic
The Turkic Council Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev has praised the cooperation, resilience and solidarity among the member countries of the Turkic Council in fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Stressing that the international community should exert coordinated and determined efforts in the fight against COVID-19, he emphasized that the global community must undertake united action against this…
Russian COVID-19 Numbers as Dangerous Propaganda
This article by Guest Contributor David DeBatto, first appeared in the online journal of the IGTDS, the Institute for Global Threats and Democracies Studies, and is reproduced here with their permission. For weeks now, official Russian government news outlets have been proudly trumpeting the news that Russia has an astronomically low rate of infections and fatalities…
Republic of Cyprus: Ruling a Country Against Its Constitution
When you hear “Cyprus”, one of the things that comes to mind is the word “conflict.” Then, its beautiful beaches, paradise-like nature, and warm island culture. But you could not guess that this island nation, which is also part of the European Union, has been ruled against its constitution for more than half a century….
Psy-ops and disinformation campaign in Italy amid crisis
This article first appeared on the website IGTDS The Institute for Global Threats and Democracy Studies, and is reproduced with permission from the authors. A group of Russian military arrived in Italy exactly at the same moment as an active campaign was launched across social networks, calling for the country’s withdrawal from the EU. The…
“Integration Needs Integrity to Succeed” – Vladimir Krulj
The current public health crisis is causing EU member states to close their borders and distance contact with neighbouring countries. But Counter-intuitively, Dr Vladimir Krulj argues that we must not forget the long term objective of greater integration between the EU and its neighbours. The European Union is the “most successful experiment in international cooperation…
Yes, the Virus Came from Wuhan
This article first appeared in the Human Rights Magazine “Bitter Winter” By Marco Respinti Two Chinese scholars suggested that the virus came from bats kept in two Wuhan research centers. Their paper was promptly censored, but the Chinese Communist Party should explain to the world what exactly happened there. A whole country, Italy, is quarantined….
Trojan Horses Against A European Fortress
This blog was first published in and is reproduced here with the permission of the authors. When, during a military confrontation (or heated debate), one party is unable to tackle its adversary in open combat (or through convincing arguments), it resorts to treacherous tricks (or substitution of senses), exploiting the enemy’s weaknesses. Modern-day Western…
The EU Needs to be More Outspoken
Giles Merritt calls on the EU’s new leadership to level with national electorates and come clean on the true costs of the ‘Green Deal’ The EU doesn’t often tell it like it is. Even its direst warnings tend to be wrapped in lengthy and impenetrable reports that scarcely dent public opinion. But there are signs the…
‘Between public good and bad governance’
Under the banner ‘Between public good and bad governance’ the European Parliament hosted a conference discussing the contemporary role of NGOs, writes Gary Cartwright. Delegates, from the worlds of politics, civil society, academia, and the press heard the argument that the lines between NGOs and lobbyists, and, indeed, purveyors of fake news, have become increasingly blurred. The…