Can the IMF accept COVID-19-struck Lebanon’s ‘reform-for-support’ request despite concerns over Hezbollah and Bassil?

By John Grogan Lebanese poet Khahil Gibran wrote in the 1920’s: “My Lebanon is a serene mountain sitting between the sea and the plains, like a poet between one eternity and another.” When I first met the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lebanese Parliament Yassine Jaber on a delegation to the Westminster…

Stop Russian Aggression

The following statement by the Ukrainian Expert Community on the Report “Peace in Ukraine I: A European War”, authored by the International Crisis Group is published here in full. The Report “Peace in Ukraine I: A European War”, authored by the International Crisis Group (ICG, Brussels, Belgium) dated April 28, 2020, proposes to solve the…

Russia resumes overseas assassinations

This article first appeared in the online journal of the IGTDS, the Institute for Global Threats and Democracies Studies, and is reproduced here with their permission. Russia keeps practicing political terrorism by murdering foreign political figures and Russian citizens with the help of poison. The situation in the Czech Republic indicates that the motives for…

Global Health Security – Taiwan calls for Inclusion

By Dr. CHEN Shih-chung The threat of emerging infectious diseases to global health and the economy, trade, and tourism has never abated. Pandemics can spread rapidly around the world because of the ease of international transportation. Among the most salient examples are the Spanish flu of 1918, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak of…

VDL Speech to the European Parliament

The following is the full text of the speech of Ursula von der Leyen to the European Parliament last week. There are no words that can do justice to Europe’s pain or to all those suffering across the world. We think and we pray for all of the families in mourning. And we promise to…

Turkic Council Members Unite in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic

The Turkic Council Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev has praised the cooperation, resilience and solidarity among the member countries of the Turkic Council in fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Stressing that the international community should exert coordinated and determined efforts in the fight against COVID-19, he emphasized that the global community must undertake united action against this…

Russian COVID-19 Numbers as Dangerous Propaganda

This article by Guest Contributor David DeBatto, first appeared in the online journal of the IGTDS, the Institute for Global Threats and Democracies Studies, and is reproduced here with their permission. For weeks now, official Russian government news outlets have been proudly trumpeting the news that Russia has an astronomically low rate of infections and fatalities…