Complete control: China’s draconian leader Xi Jinping thought in practice

Chinese citizens under state observation

Life for Chinese citizens is hard. Not because they face a lack of resources or opportunities but because of the micro invasions of every aspect of their life by the paramount leader President XI Jinping, writes Jianli Yang. As per the recent news affairs, the Chinese president seems to be on a spree to control…

Observations on the Present State of the Nation

Northern Ireland

David Frost (Lord Frost), UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Minister for Brexit, delivered a speech in Portugal today outlining his proposals for Northern Ireland. We publish here without comment the text of his speech in full. Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen A year and a half ago, in the days immediately after the UK finally left…

Does a “Right to Abortion” Take Priority over the Freedom of Conscience?


 In June 2020, members of the European Parliament endorsed, by a vote of 378-255, a report on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights prepared by Croatian MEP Predrag Fred Matić.  The “Matić Report” called for the universal access to safe and legal abortion throughout the European Union. The Forum for Religious Freedom Europe (FOREF) takes no position regarding…

The Karabakh War and Energy Security

Azerbaijan soldiers

Exactly one year has passed since the beginning of the second Nagorno-Karabakh war. The frozen conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan lasted almost 30 years, writes Nargiz Gambarova. The Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding regions are internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan. As a result of two flare-ups in April 2016 and July 2020, the tensions broke…

Investigating the European Court Of Justice’s Verdict: Ideology versus Character

Moroccan Sahara

Imagine a gambler who knows for fact that he is losing. He keeps on pulling out his unlucky cards, hoping to get lucky. The players around him know the kind of cards he is thinking of beforehand, writes Abdelkader Filali . This metaphor brings to mind how some so called “Democratic Countries” after realising the emergence…

Algeria: Proxy Hitmen in Mali

Mali Terrorists

In his The Dark Sahara (2009) and The Dying Sahara (2012), Jeremy Keenan  argues that there is a danger of proxy hitmen in Mali, writes Abdelkader Filali. Keenan is an anthropologist and an associate professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London who works as a consultant on the Sahara and the Sahel for many international…

Reimagining A More Resilient UN System With Taiwan In It

Jaushieh Joseph Wu from Taiwan

After more than 200 million infections and over 4 million deaths and counting, the COVID-19 pandemic has raged across the globe, writes Jaushieh Joseph Wu from Taiwan.  This has created a profoundly devastating socio-economic impact on our interconnected world, with virtually no countries spared. The pandemic has disrupted global trade, exacerbated poverty, impeded education, and…

Taxing Green Energy in Ukraine: the Wrong Time for the Wrong Policy


While the focus in the EU is on the New Green Deal and making sure that the policies and regulatory framework are in place to help the EU members on the pathway to net zero, on the EU’s borders the commitment to renewables and decarbonisation is less clear, writes Jock Mendoza Wilson.  To the east…

European Parliament moves to withdraw Pakistan’s GSP+ status over abuse of Blasphemy Laws.

Pakistan Blasphemy Law

The European Parliament has criticised Pakistan’s controversial Blasphemy Laws and called for a review of the status quo, writes Philippe Jeune. Pakistan is a major beneficiary of the trading opportunities offered by the EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP).  From January 1st 2014 Pakistan has benefited from generous tariff preferences (mostly zero duties on two…