Garden Party for the Songani Centre

Songani Garden Party

We are coming up fast to the fundraising Garden Party for the Songani Centre for HIV testing and counselling Malawi on Saturday 8 June 2024 during the afternoon, so here is your opportunity to sign up! Ex-European Commission official and resident of Brussels for more than 30 years Sue Bird is organising the Garden Party. This promises to be…

Spiralling Housing Crisis

Photo by Maximillian Conacher on Unsplash

Photo by Maximillian Conacher on Unsplash Tackling the spiralling housing crisis and responding to rising social inequalities are growing concerns for mayors of European cities in 2024, a major new survey has revealed.   Published two weeks ahead of the European elections, the second annual  Eurocities Pulse Mayors Survey which collected results from 92 mayors in 28 European countries,…

Global Peace Summit 15 June

photo from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv region

Photo from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv region The daily onslaught on Kharkiv’s civilian infrastructure by Russian forces is escalating to horrifying levels. The world must unite to crush this insidious Russian aggression! For the third year now, since Vladimir Putin decided to initiate the so-called “special military operation,” which, in reality,…

UKRAINE: NGOs rescue Ukrainian children deported by Russia

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash Human Rights Without Frontiers calls upon the UN, the EU and states supporting Ukraine to fund Ukrainian NGOs rescuing at high risks Ukrainian children deported by and to Russia, writes Willy Fautre. Since the beginning of the year, it was publicly reported by Kyiv that several Ukrainian non-governmental organizations had rescued more…

Ukraine Veterans Run in Brussels 20K

Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash A group of Ukrainian military personnel who have lost limbs in the war with Russia are taking part in the 20km run in Brussels today 26th May. The eight Ukrainian veterans are in Brussels to raise awareness about the well-being and rehabilitation programmes for injured Ukrainian defenders.   All have sustained amputations or…

Russian Propaganda Manipulations

As the world gears up for the upcoming World Summit in Switzerland, Russian propaganda has once again resorted to its familiar tactics of attempting to discredit Ukraine. This insidious manoeuvre underlines just how pivotal this summit is perceived to be by the Russian regime. This time, Russian propagandists have launched a narrative accusing Ukrainian authorities…

European Elections Vital for Green Deal

Thierry Reintke

The upcoming European elections are “crucial” to stop the far right from seizing power and dismantling the Green Deal.  That is according to the European Greens, who took part in a high profile Eurovision debate between the candidates vying to be the next president of the Commission. The live debate, from parliament’s main chamber, took…

Government Coalition Parties Expected to win in Slovakian EP Elections

Photo by Martin Katler on Unsplash

Photo by Martin Katler on Unsplash The electoral campaigns before the upcoming EP election in Slovakia have been running calmly mainly on social networks, billboards with rather vague messages listed on them and also in regions in party-organized meetings. Discussion sessions with citizens, contrary to  the original intent are often attended mostly by the already-decided electors of each…

Grids for Speed Report

Photo by Andrey Metelev on Unsplash

Photo by Andrey Metelev on Unsplash Europe’s distribution grids need to be urgently modernised to enable massive electrification of transport, heating and industry, integrate renewables and withstand more frequent extreme weather and cyber threats.  That is according to a major new report, published on Wednesday, by the body representing the industry. Eurelectric’s “Grids for Speed” study shows that…

Blame Game in the EU

Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash

Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash Unless the opinion polls have got it very wrong, next month’s European elections will trigger a massively disruptive ‘Blame Game’ within the EU. Hurried realignments of longstanding political alliances and frantic searches for scapegoats threaten to change the face of the European Union in the eyes of the world as well as…